Research News

972 results

28 June 2018

Succesful annual PowerWeb conference on Integrated Energy Systems

Succesful annual PowerWeb conference on Integrated Energy Systems

At the 2018 PowerWeb conference experts gathered from research, industry, infrastructure, administration, and finance to exchange the latest findings, trends, results, and ideas.

28 June 2018

Summer Student Volunteers Wanted: Multidisciplinary HumTechLab for Rohingya crisis

26 June 2018

TU Delft DUWIND wins bid for hosting EAWE Torque2020 Conference

TU Delft DUWIND wins bid for hosting EAWE Torque2020 Conference

26 June 2018

Podiumplek voor Solar Boat Team

Podiumplek voor Solar Boat Team

21 June 2018

Bedrock below West Antarctica rising surprisingly fast

Bedrock below West Antarctica rising surprisingly fast

Researchers have found that the bedrock below the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is rising much more rapidly than expected, revealing a very different Earth structure than previously believed. This discovery has important implications in understanding climate changes in Antarctica. The team of researchers, from ten universities including TU Delft, report on their findings in Science on June 22th.

21 June 2018

Photo- impression mechanical engineering design competition 2018: 'battle of the container handler'

20 June 2018

Impressive number of grants for 3mE at the Delft Bioengineering Institute’s BioDate 2018

The number of BioDate projects to receive grants from the Delft Bioengineering Institute again shows that 3mE researchers like to work with people from different disciplines. Our researchers are involved in eight of the fifteen proposals to have been awarded a grant for an interdisciplinary graduation project.

20 June 2018

BME leads research project for patients who experience balance problems following a stroke

The Department of BioMechanical Engineering has launched a unique research project called ‘Minor balance problems following a light stroke’ together with Radboudumc and two partners from industry, Motekforce Link BV and 2M Engineering.

19 June 2018

Peter Palensky announced as the new editor in chief of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine for 2019-2021

Peter Palensky announced as the new editor in chief of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine for 2019-2021

15 June 2018

Start test in living lab: waterstofgas als alternatief voor aardgas

Start test in living lab: waterstofgas als alternatief voor aardgas

Geen aardgas meer binnen de bebouwde omgeving, maar groen waterstofgas. Of dat een praktisch bruikbare oplossing is, wordt met medewerking van netwerkbedrijven Alliander, Enexis Groep en Stedin onderzocht bij The Green Village. Vrijdag 15 juni lanceren zij in dit living lab bij de TU Delft hun plan voor de Waterstof-straat en kan een start worden gemaakt met de bouw ervan.

14 June 2018

DIMI on Tour, Integrated design in… Urban Infrastructures – Subsurface

14 June 2018

Antarctica ramps up sea level rise

Antarctica ramps up sea level rise

Ice losses from Antarctica have increased global sea levels by 7.6 mm since 1992, with two fifths of this rise (3 mm) coming in the last five years alone.The findings are from a major climate assessment known as the Ice Sheet Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (IMBIE), to which TU Delft also contributed, and are published today in Nature.

12 June 2018

MOR team from TU Delft

MOR team from TU Delft

The Delft University of Technology is the largest and oldest Dutch public technical university, located in Delft, the Netherlands, providing technical education for the last 175 years. Known for its high quality of education and research, the university was ranked 3rd for the Architecture and the Built Environment subject and 4th for Civil Engineering subject in 2018. TU Delft being an internationally oriented university is reflected well in the MOR team, since its members are originated from more than 15 different countries.

12 June 2018

Oprichting Bouw en Techniek Innovatiecentrum

Oprichting Bouw en Techniek Innovatiecentrum

Overheden, kennisinstellingen en marktpartijen in de Bouw- en Technieksector bundelen hun krachten in een nieuw Bouw en Techniek Innovatiecentrum (BTIC). De Ministeries van EZK, BZK en IenW, TNO, 4 TU.Bouw, Vereniging Hogescholen, NLingenieurs, Uneto-VNI en Bouwend Nederland hebben op 6 juni een intentieverklaring voor de oprichting hiervan ondertekend.

12 June 2018

Andy van den Dobbelsteen 9e plaats in ABN AMRO Duurzame 50

Andy van den Dobbelsteen 9e plaats in ABN AMRO Duurzame 50

De ABN AMRO Duurzame 50 wordt jaarlijks uitgereikt aan de persoon die het meest heeft bijgedragen aan de verduurzaming van de gebouwde omgeving.