
36219 results

TU Delft | University of Technology

TU Delft | University of Technology

Impact for a better society Carousel Impact for a better society What does it take to achieve sustainable aviation? Revolutionising the…

Willem van Valkenburg made EDEN Fellow

Willem van Valkenburg made EDEN Fellow

Willem van Valkenburg made Eden Fellow We are proud to announce that, Willem van Valkenburg, Executive Director of the TU Delft Extension…

Lab Members

Head of the Lab Dr. George Lavidas George Lavidas Social google scholar pure linkedin twitter orcid 0 Post Doctoral Researcher Dr. Matías…

The team

The team Directors Jochen Cremer Faculty of EEMCS Lab director Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani Faculty of ME Lab director PhD candidates Olayiwola…

Download the classlist

You can get an overview of your class in the classlist section, it may also be useful to download the classlist itself. There are two…

A.D. (Anastasia) Kyriakou

L. van Haren