Graduation of Raoul Valeriano

30 juni 2021 09:00 t/m 11:00 - Locatie: CiTG, Lecture Hall G - Door: Webredactie | Zet in mijn agenda

A New Design for the Scheveningen Pier

  • Professor of graduation: Dr. ir. B. Hofland  (TU Delft)

  • Supervisors of graduation:  Dr. Ing. M. Z. Voorendt (TU Delft), Dr. J.R.T. Van der Velde (TU Delft)

This thesis describes the design process for designing a new Scheveningen Pier. The design method contains elements from the spatial – and engineering design methods. Various design loops have been performed for different aspects of the pier. These four main aspects are the functional/spatial design, morphological design, hydrodynamic design and the structural design. The final design consists of multiple platforms with two floors, one indoor and one outdoor. These platforms are supported by a pile foundation.