Graduation of Tim Overgaauw

16 februari 2021 15:00 t/m 16:30 - Locatie: Online - Door: Webredactie | Zet in mijn agenda

Modelling the shoreline evolution in the vicinity of shore normal structures

Implementation and validation of the ShorelineS model using the case study of Constanta, Romania.

  • Professor of graduation: Dr. ir. M. A. de Schipper

  • Supervisors of graduation: Dr. ir. A. P. Luijendijk (TU Delft), dr. J. E. A. Storms (TU Delft), ir. P. G. F. Brandenburg (Van Oord), dr. ir. B. J. A. Huisman (Deltares), ir. A. M. Elghandour (IHE Delft)

Because of an increasing pressure onto the coastal zones, the urge to perform long-term analysis of the coast­line evolution does exist. Nowadays, several types of models are available to simulate the dynamic behaviour of coastlines for engineering purposes. Each type has its own characteristics and contains specific pros and cons. Aims of the modelling effort, associated time and spatial scales and the site specific characteristics are one of the most important aspects while considering the model type to be used in a particular case. Recently, a new one-line model is developed to deal with complex sandy coasts but still being computational for short and larger time scales. This new model, named ShorelineS, is suitable for geometric complex coastlines and allows for the interaction between different coastline sections. Therefore, being capable of modelling spit formation, merging of islands and the formation of tombolo’s and salients.

However, (Elghandour, 2018), (Ghonim, 2019) and (Mudde, 2019), which contain recent ShorelineS model developments, all recommended separately to include the effect of wave diffraction behind shore normal structures in order to improve the model performance. Furthermore, applying the model to a study area sit­uated at Constanta, lying at the coast of Romania, initially did not lead to a numerical result matching the survey data. Based on the site specific characteristics, it was suggested to include the effect of wave diffrac­tion while modelling the shoreline evolution to retrieve a more representative shoreline shape. Therefore, is the core of this thesis focused on incorporating the effect of wave diffraction onto the shoreline evolution in the vicinity of a groyne. This study demonstrates that while accounting for wave diffraction effects, the numerical result of the Constanta case study is matching the observed coastline shape. The improved model succeeded in simulating an anti-clockwise rotation of the coastal cell.

While waves are propagating towards the shore and are interrupted by an obstacle like a groyne, they will turn around the tip into the sheltered region of the groyne. This sheltered region is called the shadow zone and contains a reduced wave climate. The turning of the waves is based on the lateral transfer of wave en­ergy along the wave crest, caused by a gradient in wave height. This process is called diffraction. Breaking wave heights and angles inside the shadow zone will be influenced significantly because of wave diffraction. Since variations in breaking wave height and/or angle are responsible for gradients in the alongshore sedi­ment transport, should the process of wave diffraction be taken into account while simulating the shoreline evolution in the vicinity of a groyne. Different methods were found to incorporate the effects of wave diffrac­tion inside a numerical model. This study applies the methods described by (Kraus, 1984), (Kamphuis, 1992), (Leont’Yev, 1999), (Hurst et al., 2015) and (Roelvink, 2018). A new function is implemented inside ShorelineS so that the effects of wave diffraction can be incorporated. The structure of this function and several param­eters are based on the method established by (Elghandour, 2018) to model wave diffraction in the case of an offshore breakwater. First, the breaking parameters without the effect of diffraction are calculated. Subse­quently, the influence area of diffraction is determined based on the wave characteristics at the groyne tip. In the influence zone a distinction is made between the shadow zone and transition zone. By definition, the breaking parameters at the edge of the transition zone are not subjected to diffraction effects anymore. Next, for each point of breaking inside the shadow or transition zone, the diffracted breaking wave height and an­gle are calculated following one of the methods listed earlier. Some of these methods needed to be modified in order to be applicable in this study. Finally, the alongshore sediment transport is determined using the diffracted breaking parameters. Based on gradients in this alongshore sediment transport the new coastline position is determined by the model. Additional to developing this function, a new approach regarding the boundary condition of the groyne is suggested to retrieve a better coastline response very close to the groyne. The key aspect of this approach is dividing the shoreline into two sections, containing the total updrift and downdrift area respectively.

The correctness of the improved model is examined in three different ways. First, it is shown that the breaking wave height, wave angle and alongshore sediment transport properly evolve while simulating the coastline evolution. Secondly, the conservation of sediment mass regarding the numerical results remains valid while incorporating diffraction effects. Therefore, satisfying that the updrift sedimentation is equal to the total downdrift erosion. This means that no mass is lost out of the control volume. Finally, a comparison between the numerical results and analytical solutions of the shoreline evolution incorporating the effects of wave diffraction is made. The numerical results demonstrated to be in line with the analytical solution regarding a linear varying diffracted breaking wave angle, as is described by (Larson et al., 1987).

The improved model performance regarding a real-world case study is addressed by using the shoreline of Constanta, Romania. The consequence of incorporating wave diffraction effects onto the shoreline evolu­tion of Constanta is demonstrated in detail. The accretion close to the Southern groyne and erosion near the Northern groyne are clearly visible in the numerical result of the improved model. Therefore, matching the observed anti-clockwise rotation of the coastal cell. Without accounting for diffraction effects, this matching result was not achievable. The transition zone width is found to be an important factor in determining the coastline shape affected by diffraction. After calibration of this parameter, the numerical result demonstrated to be in almost perfect agreement to the observed coastline shape. The bias of the modelled and observed coastline change decreased from 28.11 m to 5.19 m after incorporating wave diffraction effects. Additionally, the root mean square error reduced from 14.24 m to 2.89 m. The scaling down of these two parameters indi­cates that the survey data is modelled more precisely while using the improved model.

The findings in this study imply that effects of wave diffraction onto the shoreline evolution can be incorpo­rated inside ShorelineS. Accounting for this effect is needed to retrieve a representative shoreline response in the vicinity of structures, as is demonstrated for the Constanta case study. Future research concerning the transition zone width is suggested. A more scientific based definition of this zone could help to make the improved model more easily applicable to a variety of real-world cases in which diffraction effects influence the coastline evolution.