Research project on arsenic removal in drinking water in Costa Rica

After four years of studying, Desiree wanted to put theory into practice by doing research. She decided to do so and found a research project in Costa Rica on which she could write a bachelor thesis.

Her research focused on arsenic removal in drinking water. The arsenic removal is dependent on several oxidation reactions. In La Rueda, Costa Rica they have a biological pilot plant to investigate the oxidation of various forms of arsenic. The pilot system was fed with aerated groundwater.

The aim of the study was to investigate whether arsenic oxidising bacteria are present in the pilot system and whether they case the oxidation of arsenic. For this purpose oxidation was monitored for 34 days in a start-up phase. The pilot system contains of sand and pumice columns, to compare the two filter media and link them to the biomass growth. The project was done at TEC, Cartago.



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