Yiiya documentary

Two industrial design students went to Uganda to make a documentary about what design means in low-resource settings. They started crowdfunding campaign on our crowdfundingplatform www.supporttudelft.nl to be able to complete their film. 

The documentary "Yiiya" (formerly called Seebo) shows different designers from Uganda and their vision on what it means to be a designer. It critically questions the value of incoming foreign products if that are often not adapted to the context and reflects on the future of product design in Uganda. With their documentary, they want to showcase the innovative solutions and impact that appropriate design can have in low-resource settings.

First they lived in Uganda for three months to research and film part of the documentary. With the help of a crowdfunding campaign they were able to return along with a filmer later to finish their work and to organise a local pre-screening event to record people's opinions and conclusions on the film. The documentary had a premiere in Filmhuis Lumen in Delft and in Antwerpen.

Got curious? You can watch the full documentary here on their website: https://yiiyadesign.com/


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