Thrombosis-on-a-chip: Unveiling the Mysteries of Blood Clots in Thromboembolism Diseases

Blood clots are the main reason for heart attack and stroke. However, the dynamics of the clot formation and subsequent obstruction of blood vessels are not well understood, due to the significant complexity of their formation, which includes variations in blood composition and fluid dynamics within individuals. We propose an innovative microfluidic platform to explore the diseases caused by blood clots (thromboembolism diseases) via thorough investigation of blood clot formation under shear, mechanical properties of blood clots, and the evaluation of the corresponding treatments (clot dissolution). To achieve this, we will use on-chip membrane technology to regulate the blood composition and subsequently employ stimuli-responsive microgels for the controlled release of tissue factors to induce clot formation. The mechanical properties of the formed clots and their adhesion to the walls will be quantified in-situ to understand the clogging of blood vessels. We will further use the developed platform to study how different medicines can dissolve various types of clots. Our novel platform promises to deepen the understanding of thromboembolism diseases, ultimately leading to the development of enhanced diagnostic tools and personalized therapeutic strategies.

Project is gesupport door ME (cohesie) en in samenwerking met dr. Behrooz Fereidoonnezhad (BME, ME)