Release Notes - 2023 Q2

New Features

Related pages

Add related articles based on your metadata to your pages

With this element you can add related content to your page, based on the metadata of said page. For instance, if your page has categories added to its metadata, this element will (when selected) take a look at those categories and boost search results based on those categories.

This will be platform-wide (through all of, in order to maximize the 'related' effect. If you're looking for a more specific (sub-)set of results, please let us know. We'll be more than happy to look for the best possible solution.

Yoast SEO tool

Analyse your SEO-score per page

With the introduction of the Yoast SEO-tool, you can now analyse your pages on their SEO-score and get additional advice/tips to improve them. Just have a look at the SEO-tab in your page proporties.

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Element behaviour

Custom style your elements

Ever thought 'I wish I could alter a small piece of styling' ? With element behaviour, you can!

If you already have access to HTML-elements within TYPO3, you now also have access to the behaviour tab on elements.

With this you can add CSS to your element (Custom styling will be mentioned on the elements too!) and even have it work on specific screensizes as well!

Or you can create your own additional CSS-clauses and use them on specific screensizes. With element behaviour, you can basically 'add anything anywhere', as long as its CSS-based. Creating your own styling can be done, but please keep in mind that its out of our range of support :-)


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Autosuggested results

As part of a more experimental approach; we've changed the way our general search page 'autosuggest' works (

Previously, the searchbar automatically generated search queries f.e. when typing 'edu' it would automatically suggest 'education', as part of an auto-fill approach.

In this release we've looked into not suggesting queries, but suggesting the search results instead. So typing in 'education' will generate possible page results that feature 'education'.

We'll be evaluating this behavior in the upcoming period and decide if/how/when this can be implemented for other search pages throughout as well

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