Digital Assessment: drawing closer

At TU Delft we are currently using an array of Digital Assessment tools.  As contract end dates for these tools are drawing closer, there is a need to look more closely at the best way forward with digital assessment at the TU. On the one hand, purchasing rules must be applied correctly to comply with regulations and laws, and on the other hand, this is also a good time to see what is really needed and whether what has evolved over time is still the best fit. For this reason, Digital Excellence for Education (DEE) has initiated the Digital Assessment Project at the start of 2021. 

Since our last update we made some great progress. We were able to check all requirements and wishes we drew up after consulting with the faculties with important stakeholders in the form of sounding board groups. This, taken together with other important content, has led to valuable input for the tender document. Procurement is now processing this and will start their final review and after that the publication process. 

After that the next phase of assessing applications by suppliers will start. As mentioned before we want to make this process interactive. This means we won’t only review written input of suppliers but will also do interviews with them to get the best understanding of the platforms. We will also assess usability and user friendliness by test panels made up of students and teachers.  

We continue to look for teachers and students to help us with this. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please contact Inez de Fluiter via and we will send you some additional information. 

We will continue to keep you informed via the Educator. If you have questions about the project and/or how it is handled at your faculty, please contact the project manager: Inez de Fluiter, who can be reached via We value your input and welcome any feedback!