Imaginative translation of knowledge evokes creativity

From 18 to 28 January, the 8th edition of the unique interactive exhibition of the Foundations course in the orange Oostserre of the Faculty of Architecture is on display. These are the ideas of 45 exemplary housing projects, imagined in show boxes made by second-year BSc students of Architecture and the Built Environment. The learning line Fundamentals teaches the principles and history of architecture and urban planning and landscape architecture. The students gain knowledge and insight to be able to speak about, think and, create designs. The Foundations provide students with a solid knowledge of design projects and trains them in the skills to make a plan analysis.

In the third module of the Foundations students work in groups of four to make a comparative study of housing projects. Here the question is posed of the architecture of the project and the social ideas it contains. A show box is made of one of the projects analyzed consisting of models and drawings. A total of 84 show boxes were made by 336 students divided into 23 working groups, each supported by a lecturer. The didactics used in this 3rd module focus on motivating education and maximizing the learning outcomes in multiple and challenging ways. The exhibition can be visited during the faculty's opening hours.

In a next edition of the Educator, Willemijn Wilms Floet, assistant professor, creator and coordinator of the project with the show boxes, will explain in detail her experience to create motivating education for future engineers working on the built environment and how you, as a teacher, can try to achieve a maximum learning effect with this kind of projects.

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