Reflection Lab

Reflection is a core competence necessary in the 21st Century Engineering skillset, here we explain you why. We see this echoed throughout our faculties, other institutions and entities, visions and other strategic positioning documents. However, the implementation in our practice can take countless forms. Reflection Lab is where we condense our experience and tools into themed, concise and hands-on modules for educational practitioners (perhaps like you). Here you get familiar and experiment with reflection in your own educational context. 

Here is the overview of those modules; you can read more about them below!

  • Grip on Reflection: Gain an outlook on reflection and pick an educational situation where you see a need for reflection emerge.
  • Equipped with Reflection: Conceptualise an intervention suitable for your context, prototype it, and experiment with it in your own environment.
  • Embedding Reflection: Optimise your prototype to improve the embedding of this innovation into your local system context.

Check below the details of each module.

If you haven’t yet, you can join us for the upcoming edition of Reflection Lab! Starting in September, we are thrilled to present an iteration of these modules, that aim to inspire you to bring reflection to your context. Take a look at our agenda to find out more about the specific dates and module contents. If you're eager to be a part of this reflective experience, feel free to reach out. Don't miss this chance!


“In my course I had held an online survey asking students to evaluate their peers on the performed group work, but the students’ responses were mostly an assessment instead of reflective feedback. During Reflection Lab I created an additional workshop to this questionnaire, that had students discuss their group work and dynamic with help of a template, steering them in the direction of constructive feedback. The subtle difference between assessment and feedback, and how to allow students to experience the latter is my main take-away from the Reflection Lab sessions!”