Veni for Amy Thomas

News - 04 November 2020 - Communication BK

Dr. Amy Thomas was awarded a Veni for her research Her Office. Amy's research includes a historical analysis of the role of gender in the design of corporate buildings and interiors. Historically offices have been designed for men, often by men, yet little research exists on how workplace design affects workplace inequality. This architectural history research will show how women’s wellbeing, health, status and career progression have been disproportionately disadvantaged through space management and design, furniture/product design, and the client-designer relationship.

NWO Talent Programme

A Veni is part of the NWO Talent Programme and offers newly graduated researchers the opportunity to further develop their ideas over a period of three years. The Veni is awarded by NWO every year. A total of 1,127 researchers submitted an admissible research proposal for funding. 162 of these have now been granted. The submissions were assessed by means of peer review by external experts from the disciplines concerned.

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