Our offer & opening hours during December holidays

News - 21 December 2022 - Communication

From 24 December to 8 January, we celebrate the holidays at TU Delft. X will obviously not close, but there will be some changes in our offer. Read more about it here!


Opening hours
Our general opening hours are slightly different than regular on some days. Check our opening hours here!

Courses, ticket hours and association trainings
No courses and association trainings will take place during these two weeks. Our ticket hours will continue! Check the online timetable to see which daily group classes you can attend. You can always register for a ticket hour one day in advance from 13.00.

Cafe X and Concept Store
From Tuesday 27 December to Friday 6 January, Cafe X will be serving the weekend menu. The kitchen at Cafe X will be open until 19.30 on those days. Our Concept Store will be closed during these two weeks.