TU Delft-FAPESP Sprint call 2023, 3rd round open

News - 18 December 2023

The latest edition of the SPRINT has opened. This SPRINT (São Paulo Researchers in International Collaboration) fund supports exchange visits and/or joint workshops undertaken by TU Delft staff and researchers from the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

SPRINT funds the initial phase of joint international research collaborations with clear expectations that the researchers will submit a follow-up research proposals that continues the research started under SPRINT and consolidates the research partnership.

The deadline for the 3rd round of 2023 edition is February 26, 2024.The total duration of a project can be 1 year, and the budget envelope is up to 7500 Euro from TU Delft and up to 7500 Euro from FAPESP. FAPESP and TU Delft will fund a maximum of 4 approved proposals under this call. Please note that the Brazilian partners must have a current project funded by FAPESP to be eligible.

More information from FAPESP on past and present SPRINT calls can be found here.

Questions on the call can be directed to Daphne van de Sande at D.vandeSande@tudelft.nl or Marie Kummerlowe at a.m.kummerlowe@tudelft.nl.