Cees Haringa awarded with a Comenius grant

News - 19 June 2023 - Communication TNW

Cees Haringa of our faculty was awarded with a Comenius grant by National Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek (NRO). Since 2017, more than 200 education professionals have received a Comenius grant. With this grant they can put their vision on educational innovation into practice. Cees is awarded for the project ‘More than just modelling and programming: educating engineers that excel in a digital workspace and society’.

Modelling- and programming skills are highly relevant for engineers. But while current engineering studies cover the technical skills, there is little attention for digital collaboration, data- and software management, and responsible and ethical application. These skills are introduced in modelling education through a collaborative, project-based approach in a realistic model development environment. A new approach to monitoring and evaluating individual student progress is developed, based on data that can be acquired from the model development environment. With this project of Cees, engineers develop the competencies needed to excel and to lead in a rapidly digitizing work environment.

Are you as a teacher also interested in applying for the Comenius Scholarship, look here for next year's themes: Themes Comenius Program 2024 | NRO and coordinate with your program director.
For general questions or support, please contact the TNW Education Team at: Education-AS@tudelft.nl

Dr. ir. Cees Haringa

Assistant Professor