Introduction of 'all-gender' changing rooms to be reversed

News - 30 August 2023 - Communication

At the end of 2022, X implemented all-gender toilets and changing rooms. Previously, changing rooms 19 and 20 were frequently used but we have noticed that they are not being used as often since the implementation. This has increased the risk of Legionella, which also poses a risk to the other changing rooms. In this respect, regular flushing of the showers and taps does not seem to have had sufficient effect. From a safety perspective, we have therefore decided to return the all-gender changing rooms to the previous situation where men and women have separate changing rooms. By doing so, we expect to increase the use of these changing rooms again and minimise the risk of Legionella.

Changing rooms 19 and 20 will be separate changing rooms again from Monday 4 September.
The all-gender toilets will remain in place and can be found at the following locations:

  • Toilets behind the hosts, near X3
  • Toilets next to changing rooms 19 and 20
  • Toilets on the 2nd floor of Freetown