Statement event ‘Architecturing Destruction in Gaza, Palestine’

News - 19 April 2024 - Communication BK

The announced event on 24 April organised by BK scholars for Palestine' and facilitated by the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, unfortunately cannot take place on TU Delft campus. Given the various signals that have reached me as dean in recent days, I and the facilitating team are not confident that we can ensure a constructive and respectful dialogue. Therefore, I have made a well-considered decision not to be able to facilitate this event.

We have done everything possible to enable this meeting to take place. The aim was to listen respectfully to our colleagues. It turned out that this was not possible. Much as we would have liked it to be, because being in conversation and listening I see as important core values of our faculty.

My wish is for the faculty to be and remain a place where everyone feels welcome, safe and that we can listen to each other respectfully and with mutual understanding.

Dick van Gameren
Dean Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment