The Making of BK City

On 13 May 2008, the faculty building on Berlageweg burned down. The whole faculty was relocated in the TU Delft’s former main building on Julianalaan – a large monumental building that had to be renovated at lightning speed.

Currently, many ideas and experiences are being recorded about the unique process of renovating the building and relocating the faculty, as well as thoughts about the future. Below you can find a number of links to background information and the articles which have already appeared.

Virtual tour BK City

Presentations at the ‘Making of the Future’ conference.

On 13 May 2009, the ‘Making of the Future’ conference was held, providing an opportunity for the faculty to look back at a truly remarkable year. It was a year with some very low points, but more importantly very many high points. TU Delft, the Faculty of Architecture, Campus and Real Estate & Facility Management CRE&FM) and the many designers, contractors and consultants involved in the project can now look back on a truly unique process.

If you were unable to attend the conference, you can click here to follow the morning and afternoon sessions.

Publications and articles

  • ‘The Making of BK City’ publication: the events of the year following the fire at the Faculty of Architecture.
    ‘The Making of BK City’ can be ordered online by emailing, or obtained from the Faculty bookshop (Waltman). Recommended retail price €25-€30.
  • 'Building for Bouwkunde’ publication: winning designs in the competition to design the future faculty building.
    If you are interested in the ‘Building for Bouwkunde’ publication, please contact the secretarial department of the Marketing and Communications Division (M&C) by calling 015-2783333.
  • ‘BK City Guide’: a guide with photographs and an introduction to the current building in Julianalaan
  • Special edition of ‘B-Nieuws’: the edition that appeared after the fire
  • Articles about the relocation process written for the Facility Management Magazine (FMM)
  • Article about the relocation process written for ‘The Architecture Annual 2007-2008’