Heritage & Technology Lab

The Heritage & Technology Laboratory has been set up for the development and assessment of solutions for the conservation of historic buildings. Materials, methods and theories are tested. Researchers and graduation students of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment can access the lab by appointment.

For a successful intervention on cultural heritage buildings, the effectiveness and compatibility of conservation materials and techniques should be assessed in laboratory, prior to application. To this end, the laboratory includes facilities for characterization and testing of mineral porous materials, including mortar, concrete, brick and natural stones.  

Image produced and owned by Marcel Bilow.

New (conservation) materials, such as (repair) mortars, can be prepared using the mortar mixer and flow table. The lab allows for determining their physical properties (e.g. hygric behaviour, water absorption and drying) using an optical microscope, digital linear measuring transducers, and precision balances. The vacuum set-up allows for measurements of porosity of materials. Durability can be assessed with accelerated testing. In the climatic cabinets, weathering processes can be reproduced, giving insight into damage mechanisms affecting building materials in the field. Besides, facilities for on-site testing, monitoring and sampling are also available.

Research performed in the lab includes the study of damage processes (e.g. moisture and salt related problems) in heritage objects and buildings and the development of conservation solutions (e.g. desalination, self-healing mortars and surface treatments). Research is carried out for - or in collaboration with - (inter)national public and private parties active in the field of conservation and rehabilitation of built cultural heritage.

Header image: produced and owned by Marcel Bilow.

General information


Opening hours:
Only by appointment

Barbara Lubelli