Bastian Schleier

Explore Lab

Where the Salmon walks up the Staircase

Where the Salmon walks up the Staircase is a place, an abandoned paper factory in the Black Forest, but it is also a new approach to architecture, emerging from this landscape. It is architecture as a process, an active being, a lively system. For too long, our practice seems to have detached itself from the material reality in which it is embedded. It has become a manifestation of an ontological pyramid scheme, placing the human at the peak and then animals, plants and objects below us, based on artificial binaries or classifications such as subject-object or human-nonhuman. Along the three concepts of Cosmos, Bodies and Memories, the project investigates how architecture emerges from an entangled state of a channelling of cosmic potentials, resulting in a framework for life to emerge from the constant trans-affective relations between bodies, surpassing memories by various means throughout time, overcoming these artificial dichotomies and opening up the practice to new possibilities and narratives.

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