Yaxuan Ge

Urban Transformation and Sustainability

AR-scape: Pioneering Inclusive and Flexible PHYGITAL Spaces in the Digital Era

The internet and digital technology have changed public spaces, altering human interactions and their original purpose. Augmented reality (AR) technology, such as Pokémon Go, offers a chance to revitalise urban areas in the digital era. AR allows public spaces to be versatile and redistributes the value of urban areas.

To harness this potential, resilient architectural structures are necessary to accommodate AR development. This project focuses on designing inclusive public buildings that seamlessly blend with the evolving AR-driven urban landscape. These structures foster social interaction and a sense of belonging within the community.

AR integration requires a comprehensive urban design approach, extending beyond individual buildings. This project envisions digitally enhanced and resilient urban environments that support diverse activities and community bonding. It explores new paradigms where public buildings adapt to AR experiences, redefining relationships between people, architecture and the environment.

By integrating AR technology and thoughtful design, this project showcases vibrant, inclusive and sustainable urban spaces in the digital age. Embracing flexibility, durability and inclusivity lays the groundwork for AR-neutral buildings that cater to urban communities' evolving needs, creating a more engaging and harmonious urban environment.