
18 November 2020

Understanding complex coral reef coasts

Understanding complex coral reef coasts

Fringing coral reefs provide a sheltered habitat for many sea animals and are a snorkelers’ paradise. But they also form a natural barrier which protects the shoreline and the area further inland. Experiments using 3D printed replicas of a coral are helping Marion Tissier gain an insight into how coral reefs influence and dampen wave energy.

10 October 2020

New journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures

New journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures

The Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures (JCHS) is a completely free and open community-based journal. All papers are rigorously peer-reviewed research in a double-blind fashion. Its mission is to publish high level engineering science results focused on the field of coastal and hydraulic structures.

10 October 2020

Ongoing survey study of All-Risk

The program All-Risk has a new website and is currently looking for support in their survey!

02 October 2020

Professorship Coastal Structures for Marcel van Gent at TU Delft

Professorship Coastal Structures for Marcel van Gent at TU Delft

The TU Delft executive board has appointed Dr. Marcel van Gent as professor of Coastal Structures. This addition to the Hydraulic Engineering department will further boost the cooperation between the university, Deltares and the hydraulic engineering sector.

10 September 2020

Multidisciplinary Project Proposal, CE Consultancy Project 2020-2021

Polder2C’s levee challenge: Design and test an innovative repair for a damaged levee.

21 August 2020

New staff member: Burhan Yildiz

New staff member: Burhan Yildiz

Mr Burhan Yildiz has been working as a researcher and lecturer in the area of Hydraulics for more than 14 years. His desire to help people control rivers against disastrous outcomes and make everyone reach clean water triggered his motivation of hydraulics research. He is also a lover of mathematical calculations and mechanics and has pure joy when teaching the subjects to the students.

06 July 2020

Delft model protects wind turbines from risks posed by sea ice

Delft model protects wind turbines from risks posed by sea ice

Researcher Hayo Hendrikse (CEG) has developed a new model that gives accurate calculations of the effects of sea ice on offshore structures, such as wind turbines and oil and gas platforms. It turns out that ice causes less wear and tear in these structures than was previously assumed. Thanks to a successful partnership with Siemens Gamesa, Hendrikse's model is now being used in the construction of new offshore wind farms.

30 June 2020

Historic floods reveal how salt marshes can save lives in the future

Historic floods reveal how salt marshes can save lives in the future

Coastal wetlands like salt marshes are increasingly recognized as valuable natural defenses that protect coasts against strong wave attacks.

31 March 2020

Graduations from April 6

Click here to read the current rules due to the coronavirus, for students who graduate from April 6 and for whom the graduation date has already been scheduled.

12 March 2020

New Department Chair of Hydraulic Engineering

New Department Chair of Hydraulic Engineering

Professor Stefan Aarninkhof is the new Department Chair of Hydraulic Engineering as of 1 March 2020. He takes over the activities of professor Wim Uijttewaal, who has led the department for four years.