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852 results

23 November 2023

ERC Consolidator Grant for ultra-sensitive 2D material membranes in frequency-based metrology and bacteria sensing

ERC Consolidator Grant for ultra-sensitive 2D material membranes in frequency-based metrology and bacteria sensing

Last year, scientists at TU Delft achieved a remarkable feat by using graphene to capture the sound of an individual bacterium. In order to improve these kind of 2D ultra-sensitive sensors, the nanomechanics of this material have to be studied in more detail. Farbod Alijani, associate professor at the faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Material Engineering, received an ERC Consolidator Grant for this project.

15 November 2023

More efficient electrodes for CO2 recycling

More efficient electrodes for CO2 recycling

CO2 electrolysis is a promising way to store energy whilst recycling carbon dioxide. By applying electricity, CO2 and water react and produce more complex molecules. A study published in Nature Communications lead by Hugo van Montfort at TU Delft has presented a new design of electrodes that improves the efficiency of CO2 electrolysis.

14 November 2023

The Delft Satellite Delfi-C3 Has Come to Its End

The Delft Satellite Delfi-C3 Has Come to Its End

Last night, probably between 21:00 and 22:00 CET, the nanosatellite Delfi-C3 reached the end of its life at the age of 15. The Delfi-C3, the first satellite built by students, burned up in the atmosphere. In 2006, the small satellite was built by scientists from TU Delft, along with a group of about 60 students. It was launched from India in 2008. Since then, it has orbited the Earth more than 85,000 times, traveling approximately 3.7 billion kilometers.

10 November 2023

Talieh Ghiasi wins Minerva Prize 2023

Talieh Ghiasi wins Minerva Prize 2023

09 November 2023

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and KLM join forces with Delft University of Technology for the future of work in baggage handling halls

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and KLM join forces with Delft University of Technology for the future of work in baggage handling halls

Wetenschappers van de TU Delft starten een onderzoek naar een nieuwe manier van werken in de bagagehallen van Schiphol.

07 November 2023

Safe and affordable red blood cells without donors

Safe and affordable red blood cells without donors

The production of cultured red blood cells (cRBCs) holds the promise of being a potentially unlimited source of cells that could meet the increasing demand for red blood cell transfusions.

06 November 2023

TU Delft claims 16th place in THE Engineering & Technology rankings

De TU Delft stijgt wereldwijd naar de 16e plaats in de Engineering & Technology ranglijst van de Times Higher Education Subject Rankings 2024 die 26 oktober is gepubliceerd. Dit is voor een technische universiteit als de TU Delft de meest relevante categorie.

06 November 2023

New research programme for urgent challenges in Africa

New research programme for urgent challenges in Africa

Five Dutch universities – led by TU Delft – will appoint fifty-one PhD students to carry out solution-oriented research for and with the African continent. They will focus on urgent challenges such as climate change, the energy transition, affordable global healthcare, access to clean water and sustainable urban development.

02 November 2023

TU Delft researchers discover new ultra strong material for microchip sensors

TU Delft researchers discover new ultra strong material for microchip sensors

A material that doesn't just rival the strength of diamonds and graphene, but boasts a yield strength 10 times greater than Kevlar, renowned for its use in bulletproof vests.

31 October 2023

Sustainable shipping: are auxiliary sails a solution?

Sustainable shipping: are auxiliary sails a solution?

TU Delft is launching a new research programme on 31 October to explore the possibilities of wind-assisted propulsion for cargo vessels. The aim is to reduce fuel consumption by 30%.