15/11 – 20/11 Autumn Sparks: Lectures, workshops, talks & expo

15 November 2021 10:00 till 20 November 2021 22:00 - By: Communication | Add to my calendar

These were troubling times, you could even say dark days. Now that we are getting back to the ‘old normal’ it’s time to (re)connect with your peers! We want you to relax, to reflect, to enjoy good and meaningful conversations, to laugh; it’s time for some light! Come and join us in our pop-up light-up pavilion!

From Monday 15 to Saturday 20 November TU Delft will organize the Autumn Sparks event, at a visible location on the Mekelweg, close to the X building. With the impressive pop-up light pavilion, the event is in the sign of reflect & connect.

From 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. we will offer a wonderful ongoing program to promote the well-being of our students. Not only the involvement of TU Delft with the well-being of the community will be brought to the attention, but we will also bring students back into contact with each other. The tent village of the artist Dre Wapenaar will be a meeting point in which yoga sessions, workshops, lectures and performances will be organised.

The event coincides with the highlight Delft festival and with the week of the International Student, in which ESA-Communications will set up a separate program put together with a number of our own working students from the IP Programme, InterDelft and the Student Council.

Stop by the pop-up Light-up pavilion and make new connections!

Read more about Autumn Sparks and the schedule!



Click on the link below to enrol - (Please note that the page takes a few seconds to load)

Monday 15/11 until Saturday 20/11 | morning sessions, lunch sessions and evening sessions | Light-up pavilion (in front of X) | FREE!