
20 May 2023 09:00 till 18:00 - By: Communication | Add to my calendar

On the 20th of May, Mekelpark will once again be the setting of the SurvivalStrijd; the one and only survival run across the TU Delft campus. If you do not fear mud and water and like a bit of running this is your goal for that day!

The SurvivalStrijd is a survivalrun across the TU Delft campus. Survival running is an endurance sport that combines trail running with obstacles. The goal is to overcome all obstacles along the track and reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

There will be many different obstacles, from simple net ladders to challenging combi’s with obstacles with different techniques that will test your strength, dexterity, endurance and willpower.

SurvivalStrijd is already completely sold out, there are only spots left on the waiting list. Will you come and support your friends? 


Get an impression of the SurvivalStrijd:


Saturday 20/05 | 9:00 – 18:00 | Start is at X | from €14,- | In co-op with Stichting SurvivalStrijd Delft