Research News

972 results

10 October 2018

Space station at sea for extreme Arctic winter expeditions

05 October 2018

3mE'er Laurens Valk nominated for 'Best Graduate' TU Delft

04 October 2018

Using aircraft as weather stations

Using aircraft as weather stations

To fly safely, aircraft need accurate updates on wind and temperature. But together, aircraft can also act as a sensor network that provides information to make weather models and predictions better, researchers at TU Delft have found. This week they publish their findings in PLOS One.

03 October 2018

Finding the sweet spot for transparency and control in music recommendations

In music recommender systems, it’s important to design user control that hits the sweet spot between the perceived quality of recommendations and acceptable cognitive load, concludes TU Delft researcher Nava Tintarev. Together with colleagues from KU Leuven, and research with the Spotify API, she will present these findings at the ACM Conference on Recommender Systems in Vancouver, on Wednesday October 3rd.

29 September 2018

Student-built Delft exoskeleton wins international Cybathlon

Student-built Delft exoskeleton wins international Cybathlon

The new MARCH III by TU Delft student team Project MARCH has won the Cybathlon Experience in Düsseldorf, the international obstacle race for exoskeletons. Entrants from several countries competed in the test of robotic harnesses for people with paraplegia, ending on 29 September. Together with ‘pilot’ Sjaan Quirijns, who has had paraplegia since 2000, MARCH III achieved the fastest time and the highest number of points. Thanks to improvements to the suit and intensive training of its wearer, the team successfully completed a four-obstacle course in just under 9.5 minutes. Project MARCH gained particular plaudits for the independent functioning of its device.

27 September 2018

Start of UMO: in-depth research into urban mobility

Start of UMO: in-depth research into urban mobility

27 September 2018

Dust to Dust: Redesigning Urban Life in Healthy Soils

27 September 2018

Kick off project Closed City 2.0

27 September 2018

Using a smartphone as a 3D printer

26 September 2018

Workshops Project Shifting Grounds in India and Bangladesh

26 September 2018

Jos Timmermans new @DIMI as Delta Management Research Developer

26 September 2018

Two TU Delft proposals chosen to compete in ESA Earth Explorer mission

Two TU Delft proposals chosen to compete in ESA Earth Explorer mission

TU Delft has provided two of the three proposals that are competing for the tenth Earth Explorer mission by ESA, which is planned for 2027-2028. The Earth Explorer missions are aimed at Earth observation, one of the important aims of the European Space Agency (ESA).

25 September 2018

Opening of Ruisdael Observatory

Opening of Ruisdael Observatory

The Ruisdael Observatory – named after the 17th-century painter Jacob van Ruisdael – combines a nationwide dense network of measuring points with high-resolution simulations and the necessary computing power in order to map out changes in local weather, air quality and climate. The official opening of the observatory is on 27 September, with a meeting in the grounds of the KNMI measuring station at Cabauw (Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research, CESAR). In April this new top-class research facility was awarded a certificate from NWO’s National Roadmap for Large-Scale Scientific infrastructure.

13 September 2018

Superhero Science: the impenetrable skin of superhero Colossus

13 September 2018

Smart choice of materials crucial for future