
36112 results


The PVSSS 2024 offers a series of fourteen lectures and a plenary talk given by following experts (in order of appearance): Prof. dr. Olindo…

The Landscape as a Starting Point for Sustainable Urbanisation

The Landscape as a Starting Point for Sustainable Urbanisation

Sustainable urbanisation, climate adaptation and biodiversity require a design approach that takes the landscape as its starting point. In…

Ramon Overwater

Ramon Overwater Ramon Overwater About Publications About PhD student at the Quantum Integrated Circuits Group of the Faculty of…

The faculty

The faculty

Tech-driven innovation for societal challenges The three disciplines in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer…

A digital product passport for a circular economy

A digital product passport for a circular economy

From 2027, various products in the EU must have a Digital Product Passport (DPP). TU Delft scientist Jolien Ubacht is conducting research on…

Balloon Telescope GUSTO lands on Antarctica after record-breaking flight

Balloon Telescope GUSTO lands on Antarctica after record-breaking flight

After a record-breaking 57 days, 7 hours and 38 minutes, NASA’s balloon telescope GUSTO completed its flight above Antarctica by landing on…

Call for Proposals 2023

Call for Proposals 2023

The TU Delft Open Science programme puts a strong emphasis on developing Open Education as one of its main project pillars. Open education…

Dr Jacob P. Hoogenboom appointed department chair of Imaging Physics

Dr Jacob P. Hoogenboom appointed department chair of Imaging Physics

Dr Jacob Hoogenboom has been appointed chair of the Department of Imaging Physics (ImPhys) effective from 1 June 2024. Jacob Hoogenboom is…

Open Education Ambassador Award for Aurèle Adam

Open Education Ambassador Award for Aurèle Adam

Aurèle Adam is one of the award winners to receive the annual Open Education Ambassador Award during Open Education Week. The award praises…

Audrey Iranzo

Audrey Iranzo Battolyser NWO/TTW Project Dr. Audrey Iranzo +31 (0)15 27 84399 Room E1.200 Building no. 58 Van der…