Work packages at TU Delft

WP A: Co-creation of renewable energy pathways

  1. How can energy scenarios and pathways be developed for Islands of Bali and Kalimantan using a participatory and co-creation backcasting approach?
  2. What are possible renewable energy scenarios for Bali and Kalimantan co-created and endorsed by a broad range of stakeholders?
  3. What are possible pathways to realise those scenarios and what are conditions and implications for those pathways?
  4. What have stakeholders learnt from their participation and engagement and under what conditions are they willing to contribute to the implementation of developed pathways?

WP B: Regional energy system integration

  1. What is the integrated potential of new renewable energy sources, including wind, solar and ocean energy in the Bali-Kalimantan region for the supply of electricity, heat and fuels?
  2. What is the interaction between energy demand developments (including demand growth and flexibility) and the new energy supply options?
  3. What is the optimum configuration of energy systems, giving a certain required renewable energy fraction?
  4. What are optimum energy transport and trading schemes, taking into account supply chain risks and cost optimization?