Launch of Senior University Teaching Qualification Projects

The Teaching & Learning Services are happy to announce that on September 26th 2023 the Senior University Teaching Qualification (SUTQ) initiative kicked off at TU Delft!

In this pioneering project, a dynamic group of eight advanced lecturers will dedicate ten months to their authentic educational projects. These visionary educators are committed to fostering development, growth, and positive changes in teaching at TU Delft. The result of their project will be shared with the TU Delft community at the SUTQ Symposium on May 28th 2024. This symposium promises to provide innovative insights and impactful changes in teaching practices.

Here are the inspiring educators and their projects that will reshape the educational landscape at TU Delft:

Carlos Simao Ferreira

Working on Mindfulness in Academia using AI.

Wim Bouwman

Improving the retention of knowledge and skills designing a module in the module based curriculum of the BSc Applied Physics.

Margreet Docter

Increasing motivation through agile learning: what to say and not to say.

Stefan Hugtenburg

Making the meta-curriculum tangible. 

Marleen Keijzer

Finding effective ways to teach and test the second and third levels of Bloom’s taxonomy.

Winfred Mugge

Medtech integration.

Karolien van Nunen

Optimizing interuniversity student collaboration.

Tom Vroegrijk

Improving learning outcomes with low-stakes assessments and adaptive teaching in a first-year math course.