Product, Process and Equipment Design | PPED

General Information | Under construction

What is Process, Product and Equipment Design | PPED?

The Product, Process and Equipment Design programme is an advanced-level training programme that trains and educates MSc graduates to become certified designers.This EngD programme lets you acquire and develop your product and process design skills while working on real design challenges for and with our partners. You will be solving challenges in the energy transition, circular economy and health & nutrition fields.

Successful trainees are awarded the degree of Engineering Doctorate (EngD) and may add the abbreviation EngD to their professional title. The EngD diplomas are registered with The Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers KIVI (Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs) The Netherlands

Admission and Application

The post-MSc design programme "Product, Process and Equipment Design" has only 12 to 14 openings for EngD trainees per year, which means admission is highly selective. 



Federico Consonni from Italy, Process Development Engineer at Shell Global Solutions International BV

After having completed the programme, I can confirm this was indeed an excellent choice. The EngD allowed me to deepen my expertise in chemical process design, broaden my knowledge in other topics (e.g., economics, policymaking), and cultivate multiple soft skills such as stakeholder management, project management and technical writing. Thanks to my EngD experience, I was soon able to find a job in R&D right after finishing the programme. Read his story.