The MUDNET team won the NWO Team Science award

Nieuws - 03 december 2021 - Secretariat GSE

This week it was announced that the MUDNET team, of which Deyan Draganov and Julia Gebert are members, won the NWO Team Science award.

The MUDNET academic network and associated foundation were created in 2018 when researchers from five sections within two faculties (CEG, 3ME) realized that there was a lack of multidisciplinary research around fine-grained sediment (mud). Mud is a complex system of interacting clay and silt-size mineral and organic particles in  an aqueous environment. These particles also include living microorganisms that produce biopolymers which stabilize or degrade over time. The behaviour of mud is dynamic and sensitive to changes in environment (transition between fresh and salt water, solar activity, temperature, biological activity, compressions, vibrations, for example). Understanding the behaviour of mud, for example to optimise maintenance of the nautical depth, to minimise the environmental impact of dredging or to enhance settling and consolidation of mining sludges, requires a strong cross-disciplinary effort covering the fields of biogeochemistry, colloid science, fluid mechanics, and geophysics.

About the award: Three research teams received the Team Science Awards this year: team MUDNET, team Hugo de Groot’s book chest and team National Individual floating Transport Infrastructure (NIfTI). These teams consist of researchers from different disciplines, and include talented young researchers who work together with senior researchers. Each team will receive € 10,000 to spend on the further strengthening of the team. More information about the award can be found via this link
More info on MUDNET can be found via

Congratulations to Deyan, Julia, Claire Chassagne, Alex Kirichek, Geert Keetels and Rudy Helmons!



Deyan Draganov

Associate Professor

Monday till Friday

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