Rates X offer 2021-2022

News - 09 August 2021 - Communication

The rates for X are based on the existing pricing policy, you can find a brief explanation of this below. The rates for the 2021-2022 season assume a full programme, that is to say without any restrictions due to Covid-19.

X subscription price
The X subscription gives access to most X activities/facilities (associations, ticket hours, events, independent use of facilities).

The student rate for a 12-month X subscription for the 2021-2022 season is 140 euros. The prices for shorter subscriptions and staff subscriptions are based on this rate. X subscriptions go on sale on 15 August. For a complete overview of the rates, see: X subscription.

Fitness supplement price
The student rate for a 12-month Fitness (gym) supplement for the 2021-2022 is132 euros. The prices for shorter Fitness subscriptions and staff Fitness subscriptions are based on this rate. Fitness supplements go on sale on 15 August. For a complete overview of the rates, see: X subscription.

Course prices
Course rates differ per course and are based on the number of participants, content, materials and type of course. The complete range of courses will be published on our website at the beginning of September, and participants will be able to register from this date. The new course prices will also be published online.

Rates and Covid-19 (refund)
If it becomes necessary to reintroduce Covid-19 restrictions during the 2021-2022 season which affect our activities, we will offer a refund at the end of the season (just as in the past year).

Refund for the 2020-2021 season
If you held a 12-month X subscription and/or Fitness subscription for the 2020-2021 season, you will soon receive a message about the refund to which you are entitled. You may choose whether to offset this against the cost of a new subscription or to receive it as a refund.

X pricing policy
The general principle is that the combined contribution of all participants should cover 110% of the direct costs. These are the costs directly associated with the annual programme of our activities, such as the cost of trainers/instructors as well as materials and equipment. However, these direct costs are only part of the total costs. The other costs (for the building, staff, etc.) are covered by the remaining 10% of the contribution by participants, by TU Delft, and from income generated by X itself (proceeds from hospitality, room hire).

We have also chosen to use the principle that an X subscription should give access to most of the activities/facilities offered by X (associations, ticket hours, events, independent use of facilities), in order to make the activities/facilities available to as many people as possible.

In the pricing policy for X set by TU Delft, a pricing development based on this principle has been agreed for the period 2016-2021. During the building work at X in the period 2016-2018 it was agreed not to implement the price increase during the building work but to catch up once the work was completed. However, in early 2020 the Covid-19 restrictions came into effect, as a result of which prices for the last season were reduced to reflect the reduced activities/facilities available.

From the coming season we are assuming that we can offer a complete programme, and the prices reflect this. The price will also be corrected for inflation and we will start to catch up on the agreed price rises from the last few years. Rather than applying this increase all at once, we will introduce it gradually over the coming years.