Climate change as a game – Comenius Grant for Laura Cipriani

News - 20 June 2023 - Communication BK

With her proposal Climate change as a game. (Co)designing with children the landscape of the future, Laura Cipriani has won the prestigious Comenius Teaching Fellowship Grant 2023. With this grant she can put her vision on educational innovation into practice.

Climate change as a game. (Co)designing with children the landscape of the future

Today’s new generations, and in particular children and young people, will face consistent landscape changes during their existence. Can we create consciousness in young generations of how climate change will modify landscapes and cities? Can we involve children and young people in co-designing the landscape considering climate change? Starting from exploring different forms of games, this design course aims to educate and engage younger generations in climate change issues. Students will involve children in co-designing the landscape of the future through material and role games. Connecting tertiary with primary education will be the main pedagogical and didactical innovation.

Five times a Comenius grant for our Faculty

The Comenius program is the most prestigious education innovation grant program in the Netherlands, led by NWO/NRO. With this grant for Laura, the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment now won a Teaching Fellowship Grant for the fifth time.

The five former Bouwkunde Grant winners

In 2022 Nelson Mota won the grant for ‘Housing as Healthcare: Mapping the correlation between housing design, microbiodiversity and health in The Hague’. The project is about the importance of biodiversity for public health, which is widely acknowledged. However, few people are aware of how much housing design decisions influence the interaction between humans, non-humans and the diversity of microorganisms that populate our living environment. To overcome this knowledge gap, this project engages architecture and (bio-)medicine teachers and students in a transdisciplinary collaboration and cocreation process. 

Angeliki Sioli won the Grant in 2021 with ‘The Space of Words: Modeling Spatial Atmosphers from Language’. A pedagogical project addressing a new topic of architectural education: modeling atmospheres of space through the use of written and oral language. It will address the significant difficulties for productive and creative collaboration among first year students, caused by their notably diverse educational and cultural backgrounds. 

Petra Diesfeldt won the Comenius Grant in 2020. With her project Bouwflix, a video latfomr ‘under construction’. Teachers, students and professionals in building practice are experiencing a disconnect between the architect at the office and the specialist on the building site. Bouwflix, an online platform with time-lapse videos of building projects and videos of production processes in factories, aims to bring the practical experience to the student. Students in their first and second years can use Bouwflix during lectures, when performing analyses and when studying for exams. 

In 2019 the project 'Bridging DOCS. Broadening digital and on-campus students of Igor Pessoa won the grant. Education on the TU Delft campus sometimes lags behind international online courses. The Bridging DOCS project aims to connect the two groups of students.

More information

Laura Cipriani is an assistant professor at Landscape Architecture in the Department of Urbanism.
View her staff page here.

The Comenius grants enable teaching staff in the Netherlands to put their ideas about how to innovate education into practice. The Dutch government aims to contribute to more widely varied careers for teaching staff and researchers in universities and universities of applied sciences by openly recognising excellent and inspired teaching. 
See all the 2023 Comenius winners and other years here.

Photo: Annie Spratt via Unsplash