Stations of the Future

Complex Projects


The "Stations of the future" project is being framed within the context of two rapidly growing developing metropolitan areas in The Netherlands and in France: the Randstad and Métropole du Grand Paris.

Several activities have been initiated by Amsterdam Institute for Advanced MetropolitanSolutions (AMS Institute), Delft University of Technology (Delft Deltas Infrastructure Mobility Initiative and Complex Projects) and University of Paris Est: a 2-day workshop on Stations of the Future/Gares du futur in Paris at Atelier Néerlandais in Paris and the international summer school “Integrated Mobility Challenges in Future Metropolitan Area”at AMS Institute and TU Delft.

Stations of the Future/Gares du futur seminar was organized in collaboration with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Paris, Atelier Néerlandais, TU Delft (DIMI) and La Fabrique de la Cité. During the event, we addressed several issues within the scope of Le Grand Paris Express. Together with the « Randstad » networks in the Netherlands, this seminar focused on a debate on several case studies in both metropolitan areas to understand the role of station hubs (intermodal nodes) in these areas. During the joint French-Dutch event, we focused on topics like « station as inter modal-node », « station as destination » and « station as data center », including a debate on: business cases of rail-metro stations, public space and architecture, densification and programming of station areas, pedestrian flows management and the integration of data. More information can be found in the full program.


Photo Credits: Bart Koetsier ©


The Integrated Mobility Challenges in Future Metropolitan Area Summer School extended the debate among young professionals and international students by looking at an important rail-metro node in Amsterdam, Sloterdijk Station: a crucial hub in the metropolitan area for mobility and exchange, and catalyst for urban developments. The main question was: which approaches and scenarios can be tested and applied to these intermodal nodes, particularly when dealing with lack of space and growing number of users? More information can be found in the full program.

Photo Credits: Valentina Ciccotosto ©


Project partners

Deltas Infrastructure Mobility Initiative, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Embassy of the Netherlands in Paris, University of Gustave Eiffel Paris; Municipality of Rotterdam, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management; Prorail; NS Stations, Bureau Spoorbouwmeester



Stations as Nodes: exploring the role of stations in future metropolitan areas from a French and Dutch perspective | BK BOOKS (


Dr. Roberto Cavallo

Kees Kaan

Joran Kuijper


Arjan van Timmeren

Marcel Hertogh

Hand de Boer

Tom Kuipers

Nacima Baron

Valentina Ciccotosto