
16 August 2018



The United Nations have compiled a list of more than 100 courses helping to teach about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Four Mass Open Online Courses of BK Bouwkunde have been selected.

16 August 2018

Amsterdam canals transformed by Roboat

The five-year research project on autonomous floating vessels in metropolitan areas investigates the potential of self-driving technology to change urban infrastructure. The collaboration between the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and the Massachusetts Institute for Technology has already resulted in a first series of prototypes, which will be presented on location in October 2018.

12 July 2018

Circularity in 2050: how?

The Netherlands will have to develop towards a circular economy before 2050. But what does this mean, is it even possible, and which challenges will we have to tackle in order to achieve a circular economy? That is the subject of the recent publication ‘Circularity – on the road to 2050?’.

05 July 2018

Explore all facets of the built environment

Explore all facets of the built environment

BK Bouwkunde is represented at the Venice Biennale 2018 through a multitude of different types of projects. The exhibitions can be found in pavilions and in palazzos in the city centre: from a research exhibition to an installation, from student work to a dance performance, from a traveling exposition to young architectural talent.

05 July 2018

Loed Stolte wins Young Talent Architecture Award

His project ‘The Bank of England: a dialectical project’ is one of the four winning projects out of 334 nominated student graduation projects. The winning projects are currently on display in Palazzo Mora at the Venice Biennale 2018.

05 July 2018

NRP Academy celebrates five year anniversary

The National Renovation Platform (NRP) started the one-year academic programme to improve the sustainable re-use of the existing built environment. The academy was developed in collaboration with BK Bouwkunde and several other partners from both the academic and the professional field.

28 June 2018

Designing acoustically-effective façades

Designing acoustically-effective façades

The smooth and shiny façades on contemporary high-rise buildings certainly look sleek, but they are a significant factor in city noise because of the way they reflect sound. Doctoral candidate Jochen Krimm is calling for façades with more structure and mandatory acoustic testing for every high building.

21 June 2018

Three designs advance to next round

Three designs advance to next round

On 14 June, three winning teams were announced to advance to the next round in the Stylos Scala design competition. The winning teams will further develop their designs for a new staircase in the BK Expo, working on the feasibility of their designs. Additionally, three honourable mentions were announced by the judges.

21 June 2018

Degree Programme Assessment MSc Geomatics

Degree Programme Assessment MSc Geomatics

On 20 and 21 June, the degree programme assessment of MSc Geomatics took place. In anticipation of the full report, the review commission said to be impressed with the quality of the master, praising both the graduation work, the master’s structure and the students’ enthusiasm. Additionally, they found Geomatics graduates’ careers to be well aligned with both the topic and the level of the master.

21 June 2018

Looking beyond Brexit: welcoming the University of Strathclyde to BK City

On 20 June 2018, BK Bouwkunde and the University of Strathclyde celebrated the launch of the policy research foundation EPRC Delft. EPRC Delft will reinforce the existing research and teaching cooperation between the universities and open up new opportunities for the institutions to carry out shared research after the UK leaves the European Union.