
21 June 2023

Valedictory Lecture by Professor Thijs Asselbergs ‘about the new architect'

Valedictory Lecture by Professor Thijs Asselbergs ‘about the new architect'

To mark the retirement of Thijs Asselbergs as professor of Architectural Engineering (AE&T), TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture is organising the 'Day of the New Architect' symposium in the Oostserre on Tuesday 4 July. At 16:00, Thijs will deliver his Valedictory Lecture 'about the new architect'. "I don't see this farewell as an end, but as a new beginning."

20 June 2023

Climate change as a game – Comenius Grant for Laura Cipriani

Climate change as a game – Comenius Grant for Laura Cipriani

With her proposal Climate change as a game. (Co)designing with children the landscape of the future, Laura Cipriani has won the prestigious Comenius Teaching Fellowship Grant 2023. With this grant she can put her vision on educational innovation into practice.

19 June 2023

Obituary notice professor Tillmann Klein

Obituary notice professor Tillmann Klein

Last Saturday the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment received the sad news that our valued and warm hearted colleague professor Tillmann Klein passed away after a long battle with cancer on 17 June 2023 in Rotterdam. Our hearts and thoughts go out to Tillmann’s wife Usch, son Jakob, family, friends, his colleagues and students. We wish them strength in this difficult time of unimaginable loss.

15 June 2023

Finding Blind Spots in the Historiography of Architecture and Urban Design

Finding Blind Spots in the Historiography of Architecture and Urban Design

Shedding light on underexposed aspects of architecture and urban design in the twentieth century. That is what is envisioned by Janina Gosseye, Professor of Building Ideologies as of March 2023. She considers means such as graphic novels and oral sources to be very well suited to this. “How do political, social and economic developments influence our built environment? What does this mean for residents, commissioning parties, architects and contractors?”

15 June 2023

TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Pension Fund PME and Achmea Real Estate start Biobased Design Team

TU Delft’s Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Pension Fund PME and Achmea Real Estate start Biobased Design Team

On 14 June, Dick van Gameren, dean of TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (A+BE), Eric Uijen of Pension Fund PME and Mascha Hendrickx of Achmea Real Estate signed a cooperation agreement at the Provada real estate fair. Thanks in part to the support of PME and Achmea Real Estate, a team of scientists, including a prospective professor, at TU Delft's A+BE Faculty will be able to start honing their knowledge and expertise of designing buildings made from wood and other biobased materials.

22 May 2023

The Landscape as a Starting Point for Sustainable Urbanisation

The Landscape as a Starting Point for Sustainable Urbanisation

Sustainable urbanisation, climate adaptation and biodiversity require a design approach that takes the landscape as its starting point. In short, that is what new professor Steffen Nijhuis focuses on within his teaching and research on Landscape-based Urbanism. “The landscape offers structure, ecological coherence and variety, but is also flexible and multifunctional.” Steffen further explains his research and ambition in an interview.

15 May 2023

BK alumna receives runner up prize at Marina van Damme award ceremony

BK alumna receives runner up prize at Marina van Damme award ceremony

On Thursday 11 May, Delft University Fund organised the 2023 Marina van Damme Grant Award Ceremony. Three female Delft alumni stood the chance to win the coveted grant of €9,000. BK Alumna Ludovica Cassina did not win but she did not go home empty-handed either. Her presentation was so appreciated that she received a double runner-up prize worth €5,000, of which one is provided by alumnus Allerd Stikker via the Fortuna Fund and one by Delft University Fund.

09 May 2023

Exhibition BK Africa: A Laboratory of the Future? on show in Venice

Exhibition BK Africa: A Laboratory of the Future? on show in Venice

With the BK Africa: A laboratory of the future? exhibition hosted Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft as a precursor, the exhibition in Venice brings together a selection of recent projects, research, and other initiatives that address the rapid transformation of the African continent. The work was developed by students, faculty, and partners in Africa of the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment.

08 May 2023

TU Delft focuses on battery of the future

TU Delft focuses on battery of the future

A major challenge in the energy transition is the efficient and flexible storage and transportation of renewable energy. Batteries will play an important role in this. However, much research and innovation are still required. In order to encourage this, on Thursday 11 May 2023 TU Delft will be launching e4BatteryDelft: a brand-new platform that will focus on electrochemical storage of renewable energy – with respect for the world around us, in a way that is affordable and also totally European.

08 May 2023

Project ‘Cowborgs in the polder’: from designed dairy landscapes to nitrogen crisis

Project ‘Cowborgs in the polder’: from designed dairy landscapes to nitrogen crisis

Automated technologies have driven the transformation and growth of the Dutch dairy industry. Today, this sector is questioned for its adverse effect on nature, especially in the context of the nitrogen crisis. To better address environmental problems caused by farming, it is important to understand how the use of automation and other digital technologies in this sector is affecting those places where food is produced.