Climate Action

There is no doubt that the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are changing our living environment. Climate change is in our hands. We need to both work on limiting it as much as we can (mitigation), but we will also have to learn to adapt to new circumstances. TU Delft will harness its innovative powers to support the world-wide transition to non-fossil resources, and adaptation of the living environment to the consequences of global warming.

The problem is complex and urgent – but we have no other choice than to be optimistic and use all of our capacity to face the challenge, through our education programs and our research.

For more information, see:

In the Climate Action research programme, we start from four themes we consider to be paramount for future Climate Action:

The TU Delft vision on Climate Action is deeply founded in preceding decades of university wide climate action research. The goal of the Climate action research programme is to build on current strengths and identify the areas where there is a need to strengthen our capacities to keep up our (inter)national reputation as climate action university.

Climate Action News

04 May 2018

Plantenna towards an Internet Of Plants

Plantenna towards an Internet Of Plants

The 4TU.Federation has awarded a total of 22 million euros to five proposals within the framework of the call ‘High Tech for a Sustainable Future’, thus giving a strong impetus to research into sustainable technology.

20 April 2018

Take geo-engineering seriously as an emergency brake to combat global warming

Geo-engineering. The idea is cropping up increasingly often in answer to the question: what can we change on Earth to curb global warming? First and foremost, we must do everything we can to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases around the world. The Paris climate agreement is an important step in the right direction, but more and more studies are showing that the promises made by the signatory countries will have insufficient effect. So we need to find a quicker way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but, unfortunately, the global community isn't prepared to do that just yet. At some point, we may need geo-engineering whether we like it or not. The sooner we carry out research into the practical aspects of geo-engineering, the possible pitfalls and the consequences, the better prepared we will be for the future.

12 April 2018

Ruisdael Observatory: measuring the Dutch atmosphere on a 100m scale

Ruisdael Observatory: measuring the Dutch atmosphere on a 100m scale

‘Weather’ is the result of a combination of many diverse factors, such as solar radiation, the concentration of greenhouse gases, air quality and humidity, local building density or vegetation, wind direction and a whole host of underlying physical and chemical processes.

25 March 2018

Inaudible infrasound also useful for weather and climate forecasts

Inaudible infrasound also useful for weather and climate forecasts

Research by Pieter Smets of TU Delft and the KNMI shows that infrasound can be used for weather and climate forecasts. These inaudible low sound waves can be used to gain a better picture of the stratosphere, which can barely be measured in any other way. On Wednesday 28 March, Smets will be awarded his PhD at TU Delft for his work on this subject.

15 March 2018

Increasingly accurate picture of accelerating rise in sea levels

Increasingly accurate picture of accelerating rise in sea levels

Rising sea levels are affected by all kinds of different factors, most of which we can now effectively unravel and explain almost everywhere in the world. This is according to TU Delft researcher Thomas Frederikse, who has also established that the average rise in sea levels worldwide is accelerating. Moreover, the days on earth are becoming slightly longer... Frederikse will be awarded his doctorate on Monday, 19 March.

Climate Action Stories

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Climate Action News

06 December 2023

Pivotal moment for humanity as tipping points in Earth systems and society accelerate

Pivotal moment for humanity as tipping points in Earth systems and society accelerate

The report says current global governance is inadequate for the scale of the challenge of accelerating tipping points and makes six key recommendations to change course fast, including coordinated action to trigger positive tipping points.

30 November 2023

The new food waste monitor 'Orbisk' provides insight into food waste at TU Delft

The new food waste monitor 'Orbisk' provides insight into food waste at TU Delft

Since the start of the academic year 2023/2024, the new food waste monitor 'Orbisk' has been integrated in the Aula, within the Foodsquare restaurant. This innovative system monitors the food that is been thrown away. A third of global emissions are attributed to food waste, so reducing food waste has a positive impact on the climate.

30 November 2023

Researchers call for Dutch leading role in global methane monitoring

Researchers call for Dutch leading role in global methane monitoring

At COP28 in Dubai, countries want to reach new agreements to reduce emissions. This requires the identification of emission sources. The Netherlands has extensive experience with satellites that monitor methane emissions. Researchers from SRON, KNMI, TNO and TU Delft see huge methane plumes over landfills and fossil fuel extraction with their current space instrument TROPOMI.

28 November 2023

Seed funding TU Delft climate Action Programme awards 13 researchers

Seed funding TU Delft climate Action Programme awards 13 researchers

For the first half year of 2023, the TU Delft Climate Action Programme has granted 9 applications for the Seed Fund. The researchers come from the faculties CEG, TPM and 3ME.

21 November 2023

Join the pilot of the Education Hackathon on 30 November 2023 - sign up!

Join the pilot of the Education Hackathon on 30 November 2023 - sign up!

Are you excited to think about creating better education? Would you like to share your ideas about education of the future? Then we are asking you to participate in the pilot of the Education Hackathon at TU Delft on 30 November.