Research News

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08 May 2018

Open Days for secondary school students at 3mE (26 May 2018)

Open Days for secondary school students at 3mE (26 May 2018)

On Saturday 26 May, TU Delft will be organising the last Open Day of this academic year. Secondary school students and their parents will be given information about programmes in two-hour rounds. The information sessions for Marine Technology and Clinical Technology will take place in our building; Mechanical Engineering will be in the Aula (Auditorium and Senate Room) as a result of the amount of visitors.

08 May 2018

‘Where there's a will, something goes away’

‘Where there's a will, something goes away’

The Netherlands needs to opt for a coastal system that is as adaptive as possible, taking maximum advantage of the coast’s natural resilience and its ability to organise itself. This is according to ecologist, Prof. Peter Herman, who will give his inaugural address at TU Delft on Wednesday, 9 May.

08 May 2018

Test developed which predicts degradation 20th century paintings

Test developed which predicts degradation 20th century paintings

Titanium white is a pigment used in the 20th century by painters like Picasso and Mondriaan. The ‘bad’ version of this pigment can lead to early aging of paintings when expowed to UV light. TU Delft researcher Birgit van Driel has - in close cooperation with AkzoNobel, the Rijksmuseum and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, and within the context of the Netherlands Institute for Conservation+Art+Science+ (NICAS) - developed a straightforward method to estimate the potential risk to painting. This will enable museums to take timely action to prevent damage to paintings. On Wednesday 9 May, Birgit will be defending her PhD at TU Delft.

04 May 2018

Plantenna towards an Internet Of Plants

Plantenna towards an Internet Of Plants

The 4TU.Federation has awarded a total of 22 million euros to five proposals within the framework of the call ‘High Tech for a Sustainable Future’, thus giving a strong impetus to research into sustainable technology.

01 May 2018

Innovative nanotransistor for easy measurement of electrolyte concentration in blood

Remco Hartkamp, tenure-track lecturer of computational chemical physics at the Department of Process & Energy, developed a new method, together with researchers from the CNRS in France and the NTT Basic Research Laboratories in Japan, that will make it easier to measure the concentration of different electrolytes in the body using a nanotransistor.

30 April 2018

First papers published in TU Delft’s Open Access Journal Superhero Science and Technology

In the same week as the worldwide release of Avengers: Infinity War, the latest Hollywood superhero film, the first papers and editorial have been published in the new superhero-themed online journal. The papers in Superhero Science and Technology focus on two members of the Avengers - the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes) and Iron Man (Tony Stark).

26 April 2018

Super computing power for rainfall modelling in Africa

Super computing power for rainfall modelling in Africa

Prof. Nick van de Giesen received an IBM Technology & Data grant in the form of free super computing power and weather data. The project of Prof. Van de Giesen and Camille le Coz (both from the Water Management department) focusses on the simulation of rainfall and weather data in Africa to increase farmer resilience.

26 April 2018

Royal Honours for Prof. Jenny Dankelman

26 April 2018

Royal honours for three TU Delft professors

TU Delft professors Isabel Arends, Jenny Dankelman and Andy van den Dobbelsteen each received a royal honour this year.

26 April 2018

Safe drinking water for all with smart, new drinking water technologies

Safe drinking water for all with smart, new drinking water technologies

Access to safe drinking water is a global challenge, particularly affecting the rural poor in developing countries. This urgent problem requires new, smart solutions for the removal of a wide range of contaminants of global concern, such as arsenic, fluoride, pathogens and antibiotic resistant genes.

26 April 2018

New chair and appointment of part-time lecturer Earl Goetheer at Process & Energy

Starting 1 May 2018, the new Electrochemical Transformation of CO2 chair will commence at the Department of Process & Energy. Earl Goetheer, expert in the area of sustainable energy, has been hired as part-time lecturer. Goetheer is extremely experienced in the area of process technology and separation technology and works at TNO as principal scientist of Process Technology.

25 April 2018

Delft innovation wins Dutch Design award

25 April 2018

A single-piece transmission mechanism to multiply motion frequency

Davood Farhadi Machekposhti, PhD-candidate at the Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering has developed a new method for the design of compliant micro transmission mechanisms which multiply the motion frequency of cyclic input motion.

24 April 2018

Wind turbines as inspiration for ships

Innovations from the wind energy sector seldom find their way to shipbuilding, despite undeniable similarities. Researchers in the areas of marine engineering and control engineering seize the opportunity offered by the cohesion programme to change this.

24 April 2018

Gerwin Smit nominated biggest scientific talent 2018

Gerwin Smit nominated biggest scientific talent 2018 Gerwin Smit from Biomechanical Engineering, 3mE faculty, TU Delft, has been nominated by New Scientist for the title of biggest scientific talent in the Netherlands and Flanders.