Honours programme

Do you feel you can handle more than your regular study programme?

If you are looking for an extra challenge come join the Honours Programme bachelor EEMCS. The Honours Programme is an extracurricular programme of 20 EC on top of your regular programme. The Honours Programme starts in your second year and takes two years to complete.

As an Honours student you will be enrolled in the Honours community of TU Delft. It is important to know that the Honours Programme requires a lot of initiative and self-reliance of participating students.

The Honours Programme offers you the opportunity to set up and carry out a research project of 15 EC under the guidance of a self-arranged supervisor. In addition, 5 EC must be completed in the interfaculty part of the programme, which is offered faculty transcending to all TU Delft students participating in the Honours Programme. There will be a TU Delft kick-off meeting at the start of the Honours Programme (September) with detailed information about this part.

At least 15 credits must be completed in the faculty component of the HPB, which consists of a research project with a research group inside or outside the EEMCS faculty. The responsible supervisor is a staff member of our faculty. You are personally responsible to find a suitable project and supervisor.

Alternatively, you can choose one of these programs:

If you choose to apply for a special programme you need to hand in your CV, grade list and proposal form to honourscommittee-eemcs@tudelft.nl before the deadline and complete the application procedure of the specific specialization.

Admission requirements:

  • You have completed the first academic year in a single year.
  • You have an average grade of 8.0 or higher for all your year 1 courses. 
  • You hand in a complete application package, consisting of the proposal, CV and grade list, before the deadline.

The slides from the faculty information meeting can be found hereYou can find the answers to frequently asked questions in the FAQ at the top of this page. From 1 August to 31 August, you can apply for the Honours Programme.

If you want to apply for the Honours programme, you can send a completed proposal form, CV and list of marks with GPA to honourscommittee-eemcs@tudelft.nl before 31 August 2024. The application form will be available before 1 August 2024 on this page.

Students are selected by the Honours Committee based on the proposal, CV and grades of the first year of your Bachelor study.

What are we looking for in your proposal?

  • A convincing motivation statement
  • A feasible study plan
  • A clear and delineated problem description
  • A problem that is (societally) relevant
  • A confirmed supervisor

At the end of the second year of your Honours Programme you will present your project at a poster presentation market. The final reporting of the project will be done in the format of a journal paper, which could potentially be published in a scientific journal.

Honours students are awarded an Honours certificate if they have completed the standard Bachelor degree programme and the Honours Programme within three years. Students who have successfully completed the HPB will be awarded a certificate signed by the chair of the Board of Examiners and the Rector Magnificus.


Do you feel you can handle more than your regular study programme?

Honours Programme 20 EC extracurricular

Students who have shown an excellent performance during the first semester (at least 30EC, no fails or resits, and a weighted average mark of 7.5 out of ten or higher) may apply for the Delft University of Technology Honours programme for outstanding Master’s students.

  • Based on the above criterion and their HPM proposal with their project description, students will be selected and admitted to the HPM by the director of studies or an HPM coordinator or HPM committee established by the director of studies.

  • ​​​​Students can only apply for the extra honours programme
    before 1 March during the first year of their master programme.

The HPM will comprise at least 20 EC:

A common part of 5 EC 

  • UD2010 Critical Reflection on Technology (5 EC) or

  • UD2012 Business Leadership for Engineers (5 EC)

  • TPM019A Leadership Skills for Engineers         

An individual part of 15 EC

The individual part is up to you. You may try to broaden your scope or seek in depth projects at your own or another faculty (individually or in a group/mono disciplinary or multidisciplinary).

For example:

  • Write a paper with publication
  • Mini project not related to the thesis or with a different supervisor
  • A project not in the same track/specialisation

This programme gives you the opportunity to collaborate with experts and to have personal supervision in an early stage of your master programme. The end product must be a scientific paper or report.

To receive the Honours Programme TU Delft certificate you have to finish your regular master programme and the honours programme within two years. The Board of Examiners will be responsible for assessing whether all the requirements of the HPM have been met.

If you want to finish your master programme ‘cum laude’ only the grades for the regular programme are taken into account.

Honours community

If you are selected for the Honours Programme you become a member of the TU Delft community for honours students. The community has been set up to enhance the mutual exchange and networking amongst honours students and to inspire each other. The community has a board and organises all kind of activities for honours students.

Application and proposal

Students will be selected by the honours committee on the basis of a written application. In your application you have to describe your, motivation and honours project together with the name of the member of the EEMCS scientific staff, who will supervise you. Please, also attach your CV and your Grade list (GPA)

Please sign digitally (not a scan) the Application Form, and send this form to: Honourscommittee-EEMCS@tudelft.nl
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Please download the pdf file:

Application Form