News & Media Appearances

306 results

16 May 2018

Pieter van Gelder benoemd tot lid raad van advies ANVS

Pieter van Gelder benoemd tot lid raad van advies ANVS

Pieter van Gelder is per 17 april jl. voor een termijn van 4 jaar benoemd tot lid van de raad van advies van de ANVS (Autoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming).

16 May 2018

Aimee van Wynsberghe to headline ITWeb Artificial Intelligence 2018

Aimee van Wynsberghe to headline ITWeb Artificial Intelligence 2018

Aimee van Wynsberghe, assistant professor of ethics and technology at TU Delft and co-founder and president of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics, will be presenting a keynote address at ITWeb Artificial Intelligence 2018.

16 May 2018

Roland Ortt board member at IAMOT and TEMS

Roland Ortt board member at IAMOT and TEMS

30 April 2018

Virginia Dignum in Politico about AI Ethics

Virginia Dignum in Politico about AI Ethics

Europe’s secret weapon in the race against the U.S. and China on artificial intelligence is … ethics. The EU Commission wants to spell out how to preserve fundamental rights along with the rise of AI. One of the central goals in the EU strategy is to provide customers with insight into the systems. Virginia Dignum, an AI researcher at the Delft University of Technology, said “transparency of AI is more than just making the algorithm transparent,” adding that companies should also have to disclose details such as which data was used to train their algorithms, which data are used to make decisions, how this data was collected, or at which point in the process humans were involved in the decision-making process.

25 April 2018

Ibo van de Poel in TU Delta about ERC grant

Ibo van de Poel in TU Delta about ERC grant

Professor of Biological Physics, Nynke Dekker, and Professor of Ethics and Technology, Ibo van de Poel, both received an ERC Advanced Grant of 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council this month. In the article Van de Poel talks about the research he will be carrying out on changing values.

16 April 2018

Pieter van Gelder in Beveiliging over risico's van de connected car

Pieter van Gelder in Beveiliging over risico's van de connected car

Mobiliteit is onlosmakelijk verbonden met de huidige maatschappij. Mensen reizen sneller, verder en vaker. De auto is niet alleen een vervoersmiddel, maar dient ook in allerhande comfort te voorzien. Denk aan navigatie, handsfree bellen en parkeerondersteuning. En ook een verbinding met internet wordt steeds meer regel dan uitzondering. Wat betekenen deze ontwikkelingen voor de veiligheid van de bestuurder? Pieter van Gelder is een van de auteurs van het artikel.