How To Write a Scientific Paper (and Get It Published)

Learning objectives

The main purpose of this short course is to provide an understanding of the various steps in a scientific publication process and to offer insights as to what constitutes a well-structured scientific paper that optimizes chances for acceptance. The proper use of English will be touched upon, but is not a main focus (more extensive and qualified English language courses can be found elsewhere at TU Delft). The course is especially useful for students in the early stages of their PhD studies. Although most of the course content is interdisciplinary, some part is specifically geared towards engineering disciplines that involve quantitative experimentation.


  • choosing the "right" publication venue
  • the submission, reviewing and rebuttal/revision process
  • the overall paper structure and individual section content (we'll look into specific paper examples, to make the points concrete)
  • paper novelty, experimental evaluation
  • paper editing
  • additional ways to boost paper acceptance chances

About the lecturer: Dariu Gavrila has been a Full Professor in Intelligent Vehicles in the ME faculty at TU Delft since 2016. Previously, he was nearly 20 years with Daimler R&D in Ulm, Germany, most recently as Distinguished Scientist. He served numerous times as reviewer and editor for major conferences/journals. His 100+ publications are cited 16000+ times (Google Scholar). His LinkedIn profile is

Required background

Basic English language skills.

Course material


GS credits:
1 (Transferable Skills category)

Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Dariu M. Gavrila

Course dates:
The next iteration of the course is planned for December 2023. Details to follow October 2023.

Group sizes:
Maximum 60 participants (on first-come first-served basis)

Active participation during course / Post-course survey

PhD candidates wishing to participate should contact the secretarial office of the Cognitive Robotics department ( not earlier than October 2023.