Reappointment of Annoesjka Cabo as Academic Director of the TU Delft Teaching Academy

The Executive Board of TU Delft has reappointed Annoesjka Cabo as Academic Director of the TU Delft Teaching Academy. The reappointment is for a period of three years and became effective on 1 March 2022. 

The Teaching Academy 

The Teaching Academy is the network for and by lecturers of TU Delft with the mission to “collaboratively enhance engineering education” across faculty boundaries. 

The Teaching Academy, represented by Annoesjka Cabo as Academic Director, has 3 key elements: The Teaching Academy Community, The Teaching Lab (the home of the community), The Teaching Academy Programme (to facilitate the mission, the community and the Teaching Lab). 

In carrying out the Teaching Academy mission the focus is on CONNECT (ideas and people), SHARE (knowledge and experience), SPOTLIGHT (lecturers and educational initiatives, experiments and innovations) and EXPERIMENT (in the Teaching Lab for example).

Annoesjka Cabo  

With her broad experience as a maths lecturer and Director of Interfaculty Education, Annoesjka has dedicated herself for many years to make education more flexible and personalised using new techniques. Since July 2021, Annoesjka acts as the Director of Education of the EEMCS Faculty. She has been described as a connecting, driving force in the field of educational innovation, having a unique vision on talent development and a broad view on university education.  

The role of Academic Director of the Teaching Academy suits her perfectly. It matches her ambitions and passion to enhance Delft engineering education, to connect lecturers, to spotlight excellence in education and to inspire each other.