Put your (energy) colleague in the spotlight!

At the moment we are all working on a wonderful anniversary year. One of the elements of the anniversary programme are the so-called energy snacks: portraits of people who work with passion and dedication to accelerate the energy transition. Every day, a photo of someone from our TU Delft community will appear on our social media channels. The photo will be accompanied by a quote (maximum 240 characters) and a reference to, for example, an inspiring story, a beautiful podcast or an exciting explainer. The energy snacks can also be seen on our anniversary website and on the mobile billboards that are proudly displayed on the campus. So if you know a colleague who is working on speeding up the energy transition and you think they should be put in the spotlight, let us know by sending an e-mail to Dave Boomkens: D.J.Boomkens@tudelft.nl. We’re looking forward to hearing your suggestions.