421 resultaten

19 maart 2024

Monika Molnar joined ImPhys as PhD student

Monika Molnar joined ImPhys as PhD student

Monika Molnar will fill the PhD position on high throughput electron microscopy development. She will work on supervison of Jacob Hoogenboom.

14 maart 2024

Baanbrekend nieuw MasterPlus programma in optica en fotonica

Baanbrekend nieuw MasterPlus programma in optica en fotonica

13 maart 2024

Open Education Ambassador Award for Aurèle Adam

Open Education Ambassador Award for Aurèle Adam

Aurèle Adam is one of the award winners to receive the annual Open Education Ambassador Award during Open Education Week. The award praises teachers as figureheads of open education.

13 maart 2024

Loek Andriessen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Loek Andriessen joined ImPhys as MSc student

Loek Andriessen started his thesis for the Nanobiology Masters in the lab of Hylkje Geertsema under the supervision of Myron Hensgens. We are trying to understand the spatial organization of the cell nucleus. Specifically, we investigate the distribution of nuclear lamin proteins using DNA-PAINT. The focus of his project is on investigating local differences in lamin protein distribution in 3D.

07 maart 2024

Ballontelescoop GUSTO landt op Antarctica na recordvlucht

Ballontelescoop GUSTO landt op Antarctica na recordvlucht

Na een recordvlucht van 57 dagen, 7 uur en 38 minuten boven Antarctica voltooide NASA’s ballontelescoop GUSTO haar missie met een parachutelanding op het ijs. De missie was ontworpen voor 55 dagen in de lucht. GUSTO heeft spectra verzameld van gas- en stofwolken in onze Melkweg en een naburig sterrenstelsel met ver-infrarood camera’s, ontworpen door SRON en TU Delft.

06 maart 2024

Co Kadijk joined ImPhys as MSc student

Co Kadijk joined ImPhys as MSc student

Co Kadijk will be doing his thesis project on Focusing functions for photoacoustic imaging, to account for strong reflectors in the medium without artifacts, with the guidance of Koen van Dongen and Joost van der Neut.

04 maart 2024

Dr Jacob P. Hoogenboom appointed department chair of Imaging Physics

Dr Jacob P. Hoogenboom appointed department chair of Imaging Physics

Dr Jacob Hoogenboom has been appointed chair of the Department of Imaging Physics (ImPhys) effective from 1 June 2024. Jacob Hoogenboom is currently an associate professor with the department of ImPhys, whose research group develops new microscopic methods, techniques and instruments. Since 2008, Jacob has been working on integrated microscopy, which centres around the combination of electron and light microscopy. Jacob’s research also explores techniques to make simpler and cheaper components for electron microscopes. His research has led to the launch of spin-off Delmic, which has brought innovations from Jacob's lab into practice.

14 februari 2024

Boyd Peters joined ImPhys as MSc student

Boyd Peters joined ImPhys as MSc student

Boyd Peters is a Nanobiology MSc student and he joined the lab of Hylkje Geertsema for his thesis project. The main goal of this project is to establish an expansion microscopy protocol and utilize it to reveal the organization of the nuclear lamins and several other proteins.

14 februari 2024

Hanna Post joined ImPhys as MSc student

Hanna Post joined ImPhys as MSc student

Hanna Post has joined the MARS lab for her Msc project. She will work on B1+ mapping and adiabatic pulses under supervision of Masa Bozic-Iven.

07 februari 2024

Stijn Karaçoban joined ImPhys as PhD student

Stijn Karaçoban joined ImPhys as PhD student

Stijn Karaçoban joined ImPhys as PhD student. He will work in the Hoogenboom lab to work with electron microscopy.


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