419 resultaten

01 december 2022

3-in-1 microscoop wijst onderzoekers de weg naar eiwitten

3-in-1 microscoop wijst onderzoekers de weg naar eiwitten

Delftse natuurkundigen hebben een 3-in-1 microscoop ontwikkeld waar een lichtbundel, elektronenbundel en ionenbundel samenwerken om precies de gewenste plakjes uit biologische preparaten te snijden. Deze zijn onmisbaar voor biomoleculair onderzoek naar nieuwe generaties medicijnen. De uitvinding is op 1 december in het tijdschrift eLife gepubliceerd.

29 november 2022

Face2Phase 3rd edition realized on November 7-9, 2022 in Delft

Face2Phase 3rd edition realized on November 7-9, 2022 in Delft

The conference addressed phase information in imaging with topics such as lensless imaging, phase retrieval, adaptive and active optics, ptychography, holography, tomography. We also had the honour to have 14 invited speakers from all over the world and many oral and poster presentations. The conference attracted about 100 participants from the Netherlands and from abroad.

28 november 2022

Selina Teurlings joined ImPhys as Biolab Technician

Selina Teurlings joined ImPhys as Biolab Technician

Selina Teurlings joined ImPhys as Biolab Technician. She has a bachelor in Applied Biology and a master in Animal Sciences. Selina has worked for 2 years at the Van Woerden lab (Erasmus MC) on the role of CAMK2A in ischemia as well as the role of CAMK2 in neurodevelopment and neurodevelopmental disorders.

28 november 2022

2nd place for Sven Weerdenburg in Optica (OSA) 'Photo of the Year' contest!

2nd place for Sven Weerdenburg in Optica (OSA) 'Photo of the Year' contest!

Sven Weerdenburg made a photo of our high harmonic generation EUV light source which has made it to the 2nd place of Optica (OSA) 'Photo of the Year' contest!

22 november 2022

ERC Starting Grant om microscopische bloedvaten in het hart en brein te bespioneren

ERC Starting Grant om microscopische bloedvaten in het hart en brein te bespioneren

De European Research Council (ERC) heeft een Starting Grant aan de Delftse natuurkundige Sebastian Weingärtner toegekend voor zijn onderzoek naar vernieuwende beeldvormingstechnieken om hart- en hersenziekten tegen te gaan.

18 november 2022

SPIE student chapter organized a school of physics

SPIE student chapter organized a school of physics

From 9 to 11 November the SPIE student chapter of Delft organized a 2.5-day school of physics at the university. Several (international) speakers were invited to give lectures to PhD students and others on topics ranging from mathematical physics to imaging without lenses.

18 november 2022

Myron Hensgens joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Myron Hensgens joined ImPhys as a PhD student

Myron completed his master’s in Life Science & Technology at the University of Leiden. Since October 1st he joined the MInT group at ImPhys as a PhD student. His research will focus on localizing proteins within the nucleus of the cell with help of DNA-PAINT supervised by at the group of Hylkje Geertsema

18 november 2022

Martijn Adriaans joined ImPhys as PhD student

Martijn Adriaans joined ImPhys as PhD student

Martijn has completed his master’s in Applied Physics at TU-Eindhoven with a thesis focused on multipole correction for a multi-beam SEM source which was done in collaboration with the Thermo-Fisher company in Eindhoven. His project focus is to develop a MEMS Monochromtor for electron microcopy applications supervised by Ali Mohammadi-Gheidari.

16 november 2022

Freek Pols benoemd tot Education Fellow

Freek Pols benoemd tot Education Fellow

Op de afgelopen Education Day is Freek Pols benoemd tot een van de TUD Education Fellows: De Delft Education Fellowship erkent en waardeert de inzet van docenten voor onderwijsinnovatie en stimuleert de impact van onderwijs-vernieuwing en -ontwikkeling. Freek's project, The road to scientific inquiry “Transforming lab courses” getiteld, is gericht op de samenwerking tussen de vier onderwijsprogramma's van onze faculteit met betrekking tot de inleidende practica.

08 november 2022

William Kramer joined ImPhys as MSc student

William Kramer joined ImPhys as MSc student

William Kramer is doing his MSc end project with Dr. Joost van der Neut about using the Marchenko equations for eliminating multiple reflections from seismic and ultrasound data.


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