13 February 2018

Mark Voskuijl, Marlie Koekenberg and even more aviation in Portraits of Science

Mark Voskuijl, Marlie Koekenberg and even more aviation in Portraits of Science

Mark Voskuijl and alumna Marlie Koekenberg are included in this year’s Portraits of Science

31 January 2018

Dutch drone first to map pristine national park in half a century

Dutch drone first to map pristine national park in half a century

ATMOS UAV, a start-up company from the faculty of Aerospace Engineering, announced on 31 January that their drone Marlyn was used to chart the tropical island of Silhouette in the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean.

30 January 2018

Eelco Doornbos talks about the failed Ariane launch (TU Delta)

Eelco Doornbos talks about the failed Ariane launch (TU Delta)

A rare mishap took place during the launch of an Ariane 5 rocket from French Guyana last Thursday.

30 January 2018

Inspection of the Cessna Citation (PH-LAB)

Inspection of the Cessna Citation (PH-LAB)

Once every 5 years, the engines of the Cessna Citation, owned by NLR and the TU Delft, need to be inspected.

30 January 2018

DSE winners design system for Ariane 6

DSE winners design system for Ariane 6

The DSE group supervised by Marc Naeije at Astrodynamics and Space Missions won the Design Synthesis Exercise on 1 February.

30 January 2018

Fiery romance: a risk-model for sky lanterns

Fiery romance: a risk-model for sky lanterns

This week it’s Valentine’s Day as well as Chinese New Year. A popular week for flying sky lanterns. How safe are they and how do you make a risk-model for them? Michiel Schuurman and Derek Gransden looked into it.

16 January 2018

LUMIO: the cubesat that will watch meteoroid impacts on the far side of the Moon

LUMIO: the cubesat that will watch meteoroid impacts on the far side of the Moon

The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected the LUMIO team (in which the faculty of Aerospace Engineering TU Delft is a key partner) as one of two winners in the Lunar Cubesats for Exploration (LUCE) call of the SYSNOVA competition.

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