
78 results

07 May 2020

European Heritage award for Scanning for Syria project

European Heritage award for Scanning for Syria project

The research project Scanning for Syria (SfS), in which geo-engineer Dominique Ngan-TIllard (GSE) is heavily involved, has been awarded a European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award in the category Research. The project focused on the use of 3D scanning and printing technology to make high quality reproductions of 12th century BC clay tablets with cuneiform writing.

04 May 2020

SEG award for Evert Slob

SEG award for Evert Slob

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists has decided to honor Prof. Dr. Ir. Evert Slob this year with the Reginald Fessenden Award. Evert Slob gets this award for his excellent research contributions in applied geophysics and his coaching of many PhD and MSc students. The award will be given to him during the upcoming SEG meeting in Houston in October 2020.

24 February 2020

Two Delft projects obtain funding within NWO – GROOT

TU Delft is in the lead in two of the projects: HiRISE, aimed at charting the current state of Antarctica’s ice shelves, and CURE, which looks at sustainable management of waste management sites.

15 November 2019

New exploration method for geothermal energy

New exploration method for geothermal energy

International research team presents combination of mapping of underwater structures and geochemical measurements.

08 November 2019

GSE research projects feature in Delft Outlook

GSE research projects feature in Delft Outlook

Various research projects of our department regarding the underground, have been featured in the magazine Delft Outlook.

21 October 2019

Neanderthal glue from the North Sea

Neanderthal glue from the North Sea

Scientific research has revealed that a flint tool cased in a tar-like substance is actually one of the few examples of the use of glue by Neanderthals.

22 July 2019

Veni grant for two researchers of Civil Engineering & Geosciences

Veni grant for two researchers of Civil Engineering & Geosciences

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded a Veni grant worth up to 250,000 euros to twelve highly promising young scientists from TU Delft, two of whom are from the Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences.

24 May 2019

Cooperation with German GFZ further strengthens geothermal research TU Delft

Cooperation with German GFZ further strengthens geothermal research TU Delft

During a working visit of King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima to the German state of Brandenburg, TU Delft and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) signed a memorandum of understanding concerning research into geothermal energy.

24 May 2019

Vidi grants for cloud research and energy storage

Vidi grants for cloud research and energy storage

Two researchers of the faculty of CEG, Louise Nuijens and Hadi Hajibeygi, have been awarded a Vidi grant by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). This grant offers them the possibility of developing their own line of research and building their own research group.

26 April 2019

Royal Honour for Prof. Jan Dirk Jansen

Royal Honour for Prof. Jan Dirk Jansen

Professor Jan Dirk Jansen, Dean and Professor of Reservoir Systems and Control at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG), has just been made a Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion in Delft.