
846 results

19 June 2020

Spinoza Prize for Nynke Dekker

Spinoza Prize for Nynke Dekker

NWO has announced that TU Delft's Nynke Dekker has been awarded an NWO Spinoza Prize. The Spinoza and Stevin Prizes are the most prestigious awards in Dutch science. Besides Nynke Dekker, prizes were also awarded to prof. dr. ir. Jan van Hest (TUE), prof. dr. Pauline Kleingeld (RUG) and prof. dr. Sjaak Neefjes (LUMC/UL). Prof. dr. Linda Steg (RUG) en prof. dr. Ton Schumacher (AVL/LUMC/UL) have been awarded a Stevinprize. Each of the laureates will receive 2.5 million euros to spend on scientific research and related activities.

18 June 2020

Impulse health & technology research with nine new Medical Delta professors

Nine professors are now allowed to call themselves ‘Medical Delta professors’. They received a dual appointment at two or more academic institutions (LUMC, Leiden University, TU Delft, Erasmus MC, Erasmus University) that are affiliated with Medical Delta. This will boost health & technology research once again.

16 June 2020

Researchers create a new class of rate-sensitive mechanical metamaterials

Researchers create a new class of rate-sensitive mechanical metamaterials

Researchers at the Department of Biomechanical Engineering of Delft University of Technology have created a new class of metamaterials that can dynamically switch their mechanical behaviour. It may form the basis for practical applications such as fall-protective clothing for the elderly. The results are to appear in the journal Science Advances on 17 June.

11 June 2020

Help from an unexpected quarter: geosciences data techniques can help predict corona spread

Help from an unexpected quarter: geosciences data techniques can help predict corona spread

An international team of scientists is studying the possibility of using data assimilation, a data technique from geosciences, to predict the spread of coronavirus and the efficacy of certain measures. TU Delft geoscientists on the team think that data assimilation might prove a useful tool for the RIVM epidemiologists. A paper on the subject has been submitted to scientific journal Foundations of Data Science.

09 June 2020

Undecided citizens are the deciding factor when introducing corona app

Undecided citizens are the deciding factor when introducing corona app

The Dutch have widely varying opinions on the desirability of a tracking and tracing corona app

08 June 2020

Francine Houben TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020

Francine Houben TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020

Francine Houben, founder and Creative Director of Mecanoo Architects, has been elected TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020.

08 June 2020

Francine Houben TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020

Francine Houben TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020

Francine Houben, founder and Creative Director of Mecanoo Architects, has been elected TU Delft Alumnus of the Year 2020.

04 June 2020

Universities of technology join forces in Techrede address

Universities of technology join forces in Techrede address

The four universities of technology in the Netherlands (Delft, Eindhoven, Twente and Wageningen) appeal to political leaders in The Hague to make technological innovation a structural part of their agendas. Technological innovations are a vital link in the transition process to a resilient, safe and sustainable future. The post-corona future comes with new social challenges that require new solutions. The first Techrede address is scheduled to take place on 1 October and aims to impress upon everyone not only the importance of these types of innovations but the importance of public involvement as well.

04 June 2020

A virtual inner voice can help develop social skills

A virtual inner voice can help develop social skills

Social interactions make up a large part of our life, but social skills don’t come naturally to all. You can train them with self-help books or courses, and in recent years also with training systems based on supporting technologies such as virtual reality.

03 June 2020

Research into a climate-neutral built environment united in TU Delft Urban Energy Institute

Research into a climate-neutral built environment united in TU Delft Urban Energy Institute

At TU Delft, various aspects of that energy use are being researched, with the aim of drastically reducing the use in urban areas and generating the remaining energy from sustainable sources. This research is now officially bundled in the Urban Energy Institute.

02 June 2020

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

TU Delft launches first eight TU Delft AI Labs

How can artificial intelligence (AI) accelerate scientific progress? Delft scientists will investigate this question in eight new 'TU Delft AI Labs'.

29 May 2020

The real risks of a pandemic

The real risks of a pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is a reflection on our society and shows us just how vulnerable we are, despite all the advanced mathematical models that are supposed to make policy- and decision-makers aware of the potential risks associated with a pandemic. ‘Yet,’ write scientists Pasquale Cirillo (TU Delft) and Nassim Nicholas Taleb (New York University) in their recently published paper in Nature Physics, ‘most of these models do not look at the tail risk of infectious diseases, and there is very little questioning of the reliability of the various parameters.’ According to the scientists, extreme value theory (EVT) offers a solution for modelling the actual risks of a pandemic.

27 May 2020

Intermittent computing to replace trillions of batteries

Intermittent computing to replace trillions of batteries

25 May 2020

Researchers build sensor consisting of only 11 atoms

Researchers build sensor consisting of only 11 atoms

Researchers at Delft University of Technology have developed a sensor that is only 11 atoms in size. The sensor is capable of capturing magnetic waves and consists of an antenna, a readout capability, a reset button and a memory unit. The researchers hope to use their atomic sensor to learn more about the behaviour of magnetic waves, so that hopefully such waves can be used in green ICT applications one day.

25 May 2020

Evacuating virtual buildings

Evacuating virtual buildings

Virtual Reality (VR) is not just about gaming or flight simulators. At TU Delft, PhD Yan Feng is investigating how it may help explain the behaviour of pedestrians. It took her just five months to teach herself how to create a complex virtual building. By then she had built an exact replica of her faculty building and invited real people to explore and evacuate it. So how did they find their way around?

19 May 2020

Can walking and cycling make us healthy and happy?

Can walking and cycling make us healthy and happy?

Do walking and cycling make people healthier, or are healthier people more inclined to travel actively? And how does the coronavirus affect our travel behaviour? These are the kinds of questions that scientist Maarten Kroesen is investigating. In his view, situations are often not as simple as they might seem at first glance. He is nevertheless convinced of one thing: we should be walking and cycling more.

14 May 2020

How copper can damage a cell

How copper can damage a cell

Copper is important for many processes in our body. Among other things, it supports the production of red blood cells, metabolism, and the formation of connective tissue and bones. Copper is also known to play a role in diseases such as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Unfortunately, we do not yet know exactly what that role entails. Researchers from Delft University of Technology and the Polish Academy of Sciences have now discovered a new piece of the puzzle. In order to be able to do its work, copper binds to different types of proteins in the cell. And although the complexes that are formed in this process are not harmful in themselves, temporary 'intermediate forms' appear to arise during the binding, which can lead to damage to the cell. The results of the research have been published in Angewandte Chemie.

13 May 2020

Social Distancing Dashboard provides roadmap for city dwellers

Social Distancing Dashboard provides roadmap for city dwellers

The Social Distancing Dashboard creates city maps that show on a street and neighbourhood level if social distance rules can be respected when moving in public space.

07 May 2020

We\Visit: combatting loneliness with video calling

We\Visit: combatting loneliness with video calling

For patients hospitalised with COVID-19, the battle is not just a physical fight against the virus, it’s a psychological struggle against isolation. Witnessing the impact of isolation on coronavirus patients, the Renier de Graaf Hospital in Delft reached out to scientists at Delft University of Technology to ask for help in developing an easy-to-use and secure communications platform.

06 May 2020

Dutch public in favour of limited relaxation of coronavirus measures

Dutch public in favour of limited relaxation of coronavirus measures

Dutch people believe that any relaxation of measures to control the coronavirus should be limited, in order to prevent the healthcare system becoming overstretched. They also think that the measures should not be allowed to sow division: there is no support for lifting restrictions for specific groups.

06 May 2020

TU Delft students share ventilator design for international use

TU Delft students share ventilator design for international use

In a very short period of time, students involved in OperationAIR have successfully developed an emergency ventilator for coronavirus patients. Following the necessary test procedures, the design of the AIRone – including all related documentation – has now been released online so that other countries and initiatives can also benefit from it.

30 April 2020

Investment of 14 million for better use of micro-organisms

Investment of 14 million for better use of micro-organisms

28 April 2020

Mechanical ventilator to Guatemala

Mechanical ventilator to Guatemala

The researchers of Project Inspiration have made all of the designs for their mechanical ventilator available worldwide. In this way, the team hope to reduce the shortage of ventilators in the Netherlands and abroad. In addition, a test model has been prepared, and it will soon be sent to Guatemala.

28 April 2020

TU Delft to launch online survey of preferred exit scenarios on 29 April

TU Delft to launch online survey of preferred exit scenarios on 29 April

TU Delft researchers will be asking people in the Netherlands on how they would prefer coronavirus measures to be relaxed. From 29 April, anyone will be able to make their preferences known at

27 April 2020

TU Delft researchers gain new insights into Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

TU Delft researchers gain new insights into Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

Scientific research into the world-famous painting by Johannes Vermeer, known as the 'Girl with a Pearl Earring', has yielded new insights. TU Delft researchers played an important role in making discoveries about the brushwork, the use of pigments and how Vermeer built up his painting with various layers of paint.

24 April 2020

Royal Honor 2020 Prof. Richard Goossens

Royal Honor 2020 Prof. Richard Goossens

Richard Goossens, Professor of Physical Ergonomics in the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE), has been made a Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion in Vlaardingen. Because of the coronavirus, the official presentation will take place later in the year.

24 April 2020

TU Delft and NS study the impact of the coronavirus crisis on travel behaviour

TU Delft and NS study the impact of the coronavirus crisis on travel behaviour

22 April 2020

TU Delft supports COVID-19 ResilientSociety platform

TU Delft supports COVID-19 ResilientSociety platform

20 April 2020

Microorganisms work together to survive high temperatures

Microorganisms work together to survive high temperatures

Delft researchers demonstrate that microorganisms can work together and help each other and their future generations survive and replicate at high temperatures.

20 April 2020

Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven and European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel launch Europe's first quantum computer in the cloud: Quantum Inspire

Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven and European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel launch Europe's first quantum computer in the cloud: Quantum Inspire

Today, Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven and European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel launched Europe’s first public quantum computing platform: 'Quantum Inspire'.

17 April 2020

European Commission greenlights large international water project

European Commission greenlights large international water project

The European Commission has signed the grant agreement for WATER MINING, a 17 million euro project aimed at demonstrating innovative water resource solutions. As part of the project, demonstrations in Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, Italy and The Netherlands will be built to show novel efficient ways to reclaim nutrients, minerals, energy and water from industrial and urban wastewater and seawater. The public-private consortium consists of 38 public and private partners and 4 linked third parties in 12 countries. It will be led by Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).

16 April 2020

Lucky find in water research yields better detection method for coronavirus

Lucky find in water research yields better detection method for coronavirus

Water research and the coronavirus are not a logical combination. Nevertheless, researchers from Delft and Norway have managed to apply a finding from their water research in the detection of the corona virus. A coincidence – but certainly not less useful.

15 April 2020

Scalable quantum bits operate under practical conditions

Scalable quantum bits operate under practical conditions

QuTech, a collaboration between TU Delft and TNO, has managed to control qubits in silicon at temperatures over 50 times higher than previously. The increase to practical temperatures represents a crucial leap towards a functional quantum computer. Qubits are the building blocks of a future quantum computer and operating at a higher temperature opens up the possibility of integrating both qubits and their controlling electronics onto one standard chip. The researchers published their findings in Nature today.

14 April 2020

Mechanical ventilator from the 1960s inspires Delft engineers

Mechanical ventilator from the 1960s inspires Delft engineers

Today, a team of Delft researchers and students from the BioMechanical Engineering department is launching a new type of ventilator that is purely mechanical and which you could easily construct and repair yourself. The team borrowed a 1960s ventilator from Rijksmuseum Boerhaave and used it as inspiration. As it works mechanically, no electronics are required. This is particularly advantageous since its production is not dependent on the – now uncertain – supply of parts from China.

14 April 2020

Scientists design ventilator made of standard parts

Scientists design ventilator made of standard parts

Amir Zadpoor and a team of scientists from the BioMechanical Engineering department are testing the first prototypes of a ventilator that consists entirely of standard parts. These parts are available locally almost all over the world and can be produced by hundreds of manufacturers. This means that, in many cases, the ventilator can be assembled locally. It is hoped that the design will be able to respond to the demand for ventilators and offer a solution to the logistical problems resulting from a shortage of specific components.

09 April 2020

Reappointment of Tim van der Hagen as Rector Magnificus/President of the Executive Board

Reappointment of Tim van der Hagen as Rector Magnificus/President of the Executive Board

The Supervisory Board of TU Delft has reappointed Professor Tim van der Hagen as TU Delft Rector Magnificus/President of the Executive Board. The reappointment is for a period of four years and becomes effective on 1 May.

08 April 2020

A bit of math to constrain epidemics

A bit of math to constrain epidemics

06 April 2020

TU Delft joins International Universities Climate Alliance

TU Delft joins International Universities Climate Alliance

An International Universities Climate Alliance (‘Climate Alliance’) has been established this week. Over 40 universities from around the world committed to collaborating for climate insight and action.

03 April 2020

OperationAIR student team creates working prototype for emergency ventilator

OperationAIR student team creates working prototype for emergency ventilator

02 April 2020

FIOD and TU Delft join forces in investigating digital and financial crime

FIOD and TU Delft join forces in investigating digital and financial crime

TU Delft researchers and students are helping the FIOD (Fiscal Information and Investigation Service) in its efforts to combat digital and financial crime. After a successful pilot, a longer-term research programme is now set to start.