Research News

980 results

23 March 2018

TU Delft receives Open Education Award for Strategic Framework 2018-2024

TU Delft receives Open Education Award for Strategic Framework 2018-2024

The international Open Education Consortium is honouring TU Delft with an Open Education Award in the Open Policies category.

22 March 2018

Potassium gives new generation perovskite-based solar cells an efficiency boost

Potassium gives new generation perovskite-based solar cells an efficiency boost

A simple potassium solution could boost the efficiency of next-generation solar cells, by enabling them to convert more sunlight into electricity.

22 March 2018

2018 Stockholm Water Prize for TU Delft biotech pioneer Mark van Loosdrecht

Professors Mark van Loosdrecht (Delft University of Technology) and Bruce Rittmann (Arizona State University) are named the 2018 Stockholm Water Prize Laureates for revolutionizing water and wastewater treatment. By developing microbiological processes in wastewater treatment, they have demonstrated the possibilities to cut costs, reduce energy consumption and even recover chemicals and nutrients for recycling. Their pioneering research and innovations have led to a new generation of energy-efficient water treatment processes that can effectively extract nutrients and other chemicals – both valuable and harmful - from wastewater.

22 March 2018

PME researcher Nima Tolou wins Prins Friso Engineering Award

PME researcher Nima Tolou wins Prins Friso Engineering Award

He received the Prince Friso Engineering Award at the University of Groningen’s Engineering Center in the presence of Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel.

19 March 2018

Prestigious invitation for TPM’s Marjolijn Haasnoot

Prestigious invitation for TPM’s Marjolijn Haasnoot

16 March 2018

The City of Delft and TU Delft partner with Maritime Delta

The City of Delft and TU Delft partner with Maritime Delta

Dean Theun Baller and alderman Ferrie Förster of the City of Delft signed a partnership agreement with Maritime Delta today. The partnership will focus on reinforcing the maritime cluster in the province of South Holland.

15 March 2018

Increasingly accurate picture of accelerating rise in sea levels

Increasingly accurate picture of accelerating rise in sea levels

Rising sea levels are affected by all kinds of different factors, most of which we can now effectively unravel and explain almost everywhere in the world. This is according to TU Delft researcher Thomas Frederikse, who has also established that the average rise in sea levels worldwide is accelerating. Moreover, the days on earth are becoming slightly longer... Frederikse will be awarded his doctorate on Monday, 19 March.

14 March 2018

Action-at-a-distance metamaterials may one day be used in wearable soft robotics

A group of materials scientists led by professor Amir Zadpoor have introduced the concept of “action-at-a-distance” metamaterials where a specific pattern of local actuation is programmed into the geometrical design of soft cellular materials.

14 March 2018

The 2018 mechanical engineering design competition 2018: Container Handler

Freshman studying mechanical engineering have started their third and last design project for this academic year. The 77 project groups have now entered the fifth design week of this project and are going to apply the knowledge they have acquired: from exploring the problem via designing and building to testing and evaluating.

14 March 2018


On Friday 15 June NWO will organise the 2018 edition of Bessensap. Around 400 journalists, press officers and researchers will meet at De Rode Hoed in Amsterdam to network with colleagues and exchange knowledge on the latest developments in science and its communication.

13 March 2018

Succesvolle Masterclass Energietransitie (only in Dutch)

Succesvolle Masterclass Energietransitie (only in Dutch)

05 March 2018

TU Delft scans painting Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer

TU Delft scans painting Girl with a Pearl Earring by Vermeer

Last week an extensive two week scanning project of the painting Girl with a Pearl Earring - the Dutch Mona Lisa, some say - started at the Mauritshuis. The latest scanning techniques are used, and the audience can follow every step of the process. TU Delft researchers play a major part in this project, and this week their efforts can be followed on the TU Delft Instagram account.

02 March 2018

Wind energy: driving down costs

Wind energy: driving down costs

Despite its recent growth, there’s still a lot of room for cost reductions in wind energy. That’s the view given by prof.dr. Simon Watson in his inaugural lecture at TU Delft on Friday March 2nd.

28 February 2018

Professor Rob F. Mudde new Vice Rector Magnificus/Vice President Education TU Delft

Professor Rob F. Mudde has been appointed Vice Rector Magnificus/Vice President of Education (VRM/VPE), also vice-chairman, of the Executive Board of TU Delft. The Supervisory Board has appointed Rob Mudde with effect from 1 March 2018.

28 February 2018

TPM launches HumTech Lab

TPM launches HumTech Lab

The Humanitarian Technology (or “HumTech”) Lab brings together students and researchers who contribute their expertise to design, develop, implement, and evaluate new technologies for humanitarian aid. Through this initiative, HumTech Lab aims to bring technology-driven, evidence-based solutions to humanitarian aid and disaster relief operations.