Research News

980 results

12 October 2023

TU Delft and JetBrains are launching new ICAI lab AI for Software Engineering

TU Delft and JetBrains are launching new ICAI lab AI for Software Engineering

How can we engineer better software by using artificial intelligence (AI)? TU Delft and JetBrains are joining their knowledge and expertise on AI and software development in the new AI for Software Engineering Lab (AI4SE). The goal of the collaboration is to develop a deep understanding of how novel AI technologies can strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of software engineering processes.

12 October 2023

Groen Gedoe de Podcast

Groen Gedoe de Podcast

11 October 2023

PowerWeb 10th Annual Conference

PowerWeb 10th Annual Conference

11 October 2023

Making the invisible visible: Micro CT scanner offers 3mE new research opportunities

Making the invisible visible: Micro CT scanner offers 3mE new research opportunities

Recently, researchers have been able to dive even deeper into materials. The arrival of a micro CT scanner at the faculty allows researchers to explore the invisible world.

10 October 2023

Andy van den Dobbelsteen elected CSR Manager of the Year 2023

Andy van den Dobbelsteen elected CSR Manager of the Year 2023

05 October 2023

Emeritus Professor Sietsma gifts Jacob Wallenberg grant to Materials Science and Engineering department

Emeritus Professor Sietsma gifts Jacob Wallenberg grant to Materials Science and Engineering department

Jilt Sietsma schonk zijn recente subsidie van de Jacob Wallenberg Foundation aan de afdeling en maakte een upgrade van een van de optische microscopen mogelijk, waar studenten en onderzoekers nog jaren van kunnen profiteren.

03 October 2023

Nexis Uni new in our collection

Nexis Uni new in our collection

We are proud to announce that Nexis Uni is now part of our collection! Nexis Uni provides access to an extensive database encompassing major newspapers, legal documents, business information, and academic journals. Go to Nexis Uni and discover the possibilities!

29 September 2023

Shooting Erasmus MC

Shooting Erasmus MC

28 September 2023

TU Delft and the police increase joint impact

TU Delft and the police increase joint impact

Vandaag hebben de TU Delft en de politie hun samenwerking versterkt door het ondertekenen van een samenwerkingsovereenkomst.

28 September 2023

The Sky is the Limit: The Science and Potential of Flying Wind Farms

The Sky is the Limit: The Science and Potential of Flying Wind Farms

“To overcome the technological, economic, environmental and social challenges that are currently stalling the development of offshore wind energy and help it grow to its full potential, we have to shift to sustainable wind farming.” This is Carlos Simao Ferreira’s message in his inaugural speech as Full Professor of Wind Energy Science at TU Delft.

27 September 2023

TU Delft rising to 48th spot in THE ranking

TU Delft rising to 48th spot in THE ranking

25 September 2023

Modelling of adhesive technology sheds new light on prehistoric cognition

Modelling of adhesive technology sheds new light on prehistoric cognition

Studying prehistoric production processes of birch bark tar using computational modelling reveals what kinds of cognition were required for the materials produced by Neanderthal and early modern humans.

21 September 2023

Technical potential of renewables in Indonesia

Technical potential of renewables in Indonesia

Indonesia is a country with huge renewable energy potential, essentially to enable the Net Zero 2060 ambition.

15 September 2023

TU Delft Reactor Institute in Focus broadcast on Nuclear Energy

TU Delft Reactor Institute in Focus broadcast on Nuclear Energy

On Monday 11 September 2023, Focus aired a broadcast on nuclear energy in which EPZ, COVRA and TU Delft Reactor Institute were interviewed.

15 September 2023

Caspar Chorus and Han Derkx pioneers for TU Delft innovation campus Rotterdam

Caspar Chorus and Han Derkx pioneers for TU Delft innovation campus Rotterdam